Tuesday, May 7, 2024

These poignant lyrics to a sweet melody -- "Believe me if all those endearing young charms were to fade by tomorrow and melt in...

I’ve had my smartphone for almost three years (that’s practically a golden anniversary in the tech world), and I have become that person who, when faced with a new challenge or task, says ‘I think I have an app for that.’

As many Eastern Cornbelt farmers nervously estimate just how many frost-free days (weeks?) they'll yet need to bin an almost certain to-be-late harvest, it's...

Those who grew up on a farm often take the wonder of farm life for granted. Columnist Judith Sutherland shares some interesting tidbits about farm wonders in her column this week.

Ten years ago Farm and Dairy published a couple of my columns about my experiences in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. I'd...

Hello Friends, This year's general sign-up for the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) is quickly coming to an end tomorrow, June 14. If you are interested...

The American economy is downright Dickensian. If you're in investment banking, airlines, real estate or automobile anything, it's the worst of times. If you're...

It’s the sound, or sounds, that tell a lurking largemouth bass, that lunch is being served.

By the time you read this, ruby-throated hummingbirds should be visiting a nectar feeder on your back porch. They're back early again this year. At...
hay bale in snow

Eliza Blue asks, "So, what do we hope for when our choices are between bad or worse? What do we hope for when we aren't even sure which is which?"