Sunday, May 19, 2024

If I have learned anything from my years as a Scout Parent -- first with Cub Scouts (cute) and then Boy Scouts (cute, but...

The old gray mare, she ain’t what she used to be. You know the one — she galloped in and got you all excited...

More than 30 bird identification guides line my book shelves, so I guess I'm a collector. Most are very good. Some even include...

Ernie Oelker poses the real question: "What can we expect milk demand to be over the next 10 to 20 years?"

Columnist Judith Sutherland says patience and family farms go hand in hand.

Conservation districts are where the why and how of conservation come together. The mission of the Guernsey Soil and Water Conservation District is to promote the sustainable use of natural resources.

Nothing is more pleasing to me as a pastor on a Sunday morning than to see people carrying to church their Bible. It is...

Most freelance writers are born moochers. With no corporate travel budget behind them and a flood-or-dust income stream in front of them, the art of mooching - traveling, dining, drinking and vacationing on other peoples' tabs - quickly becomes a way of life.

Undoubtedly, winter feeding practices of livestock varies from farm to farm as much or more than any other feeding period the entire year.

The sun was low in the sky, evening coming on, when the buggy arrived. I stepped outside to see who was coming to visit,...