Monday, May 20, 2024

What has a red coil and metal frame? This week's Hazard a Guess challenge! Give us your best guess as to what it is and how it is used.

Wheat reigns supreme in our Western world with wheat flour a staple in so many of our foods. Besides wheat's nutritional properties, it is valued for the versatility of wheat gluten.

Kymberly Foster Seabolt uncovers some relics from her past in an old steamer trunk while cleaning BoyWonder's bedroom.

Over the years communication has become more convenient as technology has changed.
Cows looking out into the aisle of the barn at RMD Dairy, in RIttman, Ohio.

The proper prescription of nutrients is critical for dairy cows to stay healthy and perform. Learn how to maximize your herd's production.

Maybe you consider yourself a good employer. Maybe your employees believe so. Or, maybe not. If you have had difficulty managing employees, it may be useful to learn some things you can do to become a better employer.
corn, hay

Marlin Clark provides a weekly grain update, digging into how the weather of late has affected crops across the U.S. and in Ohio and impacting prices.

Kymberly Foster Seabolt ponders the falling iguana phenomenon in south Florida.

I realize that in light of tragedies such as war, famine and natural disaster, losing three convenience appliances in the space of three days is a First World Problem to have, but that doesn't mean I have to be happy about it.

Alan Guebert recalls the quirks and differences of the two carpenters his father called to do work on his family farm in southern Illinois.