Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Most freelance writers are born moochers. With no corporate travel budget behind them and a flood-or-dust income stream in front of them, the art of mooching - traveling, dining, drinking and vacationing on other peoples' tabs - quickly becomes a way of life.
grand teton

Bryce Angell crafts a poem about a race with his wife that he foolishly accepted.

I'm too busy. We'll start after the corn is planted and the hay is made. We tried them before and they didn't work.

I'm intrigued by the growing "local foods" movement and direct marketing of just about anything farm-fledged.

Writing an article about conservation is normally not very hard for most folks that work for a Soil & Water Conservation District. If you're...
coffee and computer

Kymberly Foster Seabolt discusses the brave new world of online shopping and the many subscriptions available to you.

There is a certain comfort to be taken in the knowledge that some things are probably never going to change.
American flag

The House Ag Committee Republican chairman went full cowboy on committee Democrats after learning they would vote no on his 2018 farm bill due to SNAP cuts.
cow grazing

Judith Sutherland recalls the conundrums caused by friends from town visiting and helping with farm chores.

When it comes to cash lease rates, the local diner does not qualify as a reliable information clearinghouse.