Friday, May 3, 2024

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.
FFA Office Tunnel

Animal rights extremist group, PETA, took a stab at the values of the National FFA Organization but many supporters rushed to defend the organization in the form of open conversations and invitations into their own experiences.

Watering the garden seems simple enough, but irrigation is something most gardeners get wrong.

From the sixth floor of St. Elizabeth Medical Center, watching an electrical storm split the night sky was akin to a fantasy, perhaps dream....

I have been measuring my weekly pasture growth for the past seven years. My initial goal was to grow as much forage as economically...
sheep wool

Sheep shearing is an annual rite of passage for Rebecca Miller. Despite the challenges, there is still something about that ritual of taking off the wool.
snowy owl

Julie Giess ponders how rare it is to see a snowy owl in the wild following a sighting along the bank of the Grand River recently.

Teddy Roosevelt became the youngest president at age 43. Today, his words still inspire many.
rust colored mums

Fall garden maintenance of perennials is minimal, but important to keep flowers at peak performance.
aerial farmland

Alan Guebert weighs in on a University of Massachusetts study that revealed 24-46% of topsoil has been lost on intensely-farmed Midwestern land.