Saturday, May 4, 2024

Joe Kaczmarczk turned slightly, hiding his hands, size six fish hook, an unfortunate fat head minnow, a carefully-selected specimen netted from a nearby minnow...

Pulitzer-Prize winning author Annie Dillard, considered by many to be the voice of American baby boomers, once said a child is in many ways a closed door until about the age of 10, when there is an awakening.

Hello again!Well, my family vacation to Florida was both educational and memorable. If I would have known that every restaurant and theme park took...

The move from the big house to the smaller home a year ago brought a pint-sized office, three dozen banker boxes to replace nine, overfilled filing cabinets and a new, tiny-by-comparison work desk.

I have never been terribly good at punctuality. I'm generally late for just about everything. Granted, I was born early, but that may, in fact, be the very last time I was even remotely on time.

Now we are taking stock of the prospective crop size and usage to try to get a feel for summer prices.

It’s hard to believe we’ve nearly reached the end of November! The leaves are falling, grain harvest is nearing completion, and it’s time to...

Are you making sure you aren’t doing enough? Have you really embraced the vacation mindset and given yourself permission to let things go?

If there is one thing to talk about in the grain markets, it is volatility. Grains have traded over wide ranges in short periods...

Now is the spring of our discontent. Now, we are starting to talk about how dry it has gotten. Now, we are wishing we had not poked seed into mud that might crust over it.