Saturday, May 4, 2024

Now that school is out, students may be looking for a summer job baling hay, milking cows, picking vegetables or assisting with many of the other daily tasks on your farm.

"You know those people who get lost in the mountains and have to live on ice for three days? That will never be you,...

I have often thought the study of science ought to be fun. Mostly, the subject of science in the classroom feels, to the majority of students, like drudgery and boring recitation of facts.

Surprised by a large animal trotting rapidly in front of my van when I turned in our driveway, I slowed to get a good look.

The sunrise lit up the bare winter branches along Route 11 for a beautiful view I would have missed had I gone home the night before and had I not been ill on New Year's Day.

Take a little time and a little money and take a good look at the fertility level of your fields. When was the last time you pulled a soil test for that corner pasture that you can only graze for a few days a month cause there’s not much grass? For that matter, when’s the last time you sampled your best field?

"Have you seen this?" The Twitter direct message from John Blue of Truffle Media asked. "Indiana Fair Oaks Farm video." And it gave the...

The grain markets crashed after the USDA Inventory Report earlier this month.

Hello again!Yet another February is near its end and the brief interlude of record high temperatures this past week remind us that spring is...

Each week Farm and Dairy challenges readers to identify a small tool or gadget.