Tuesday, May 7, 2024
Young farm couple

Millennials are energetic and educated, but they want to have flexibility in the workplace.

The corn downtrend has continued for 11 days. There is a little satisfaction in that, since in my last column I said that...

Kymberly Foster Seabolt laments the rainy weather we've had all spring to close the wettest year-long period in U.S. records, which date back to 1895.

A reader stresses that agriculture is no longer a profession of farmers. It is a government institution fraught with bureaucrats, lobbyists and all the mud and muck of politics.
deer antler

February and shed hunt fit together just as well and maybe better than left and right.

To see warblers, concentrate on their habitat — old fields, forest edges, woods, and country roads. If there's a stream nearby, that's even better.

In his classic, A Sand County Almanac (1949), wildlife biologist Aldo Leopold described the male American woodcock’s courtship display as a “sky dance.” I...

Our son, at 12, is back from the wild. He has returned from a week at Boy Scout camp. He went off with big...

We all have rituals and traditions that put us in the mood to get things done before, well, fill in the blank. Here at the Farm Service Agency, we have some annual clean-up and reminders that need to be done with the coming of the New Year.

Bernie Erven, ag economist at The Ohio State University specializing in human resource issues writes about the two-sided question of employee motivation.