Saturday, May 4, 2024

"The U.S. Congress, which never ceases to be amazing, recently voted to give the Pentagon $11 billion more than it had asked for.

U.S. Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, backed away from offering a controversial ag amendment to the appropriations bill last week, but he hasn't given up the fight.

There has been a lot of talk lately about how any number of things are making Americans look bad. Reality TV, bare midriffs in church, our lack of respect for other cultures, and the presidential election just to name a few.

Frosty condensation blanketed the backyard grass. The early morning chill coming through the glass of the kitchen window made my arms tingle.

I often dreamed that once I packed my youngest child off to kindergarten, I would be free to indulge in some "me" time and become one of the much heralded "ladies who lunch.

Returning from the Columbiana Street Fair parade, we entered our driveway at dusk where the glimmer of a moving bicycle slowed our approach.

It was another successful Canfield Fair. Mom translation: the kids had a good time, none of them got sick, all the work got done, good weather, no disasters and a chance to visit with a bunch of nice people.

I have had numerous dairy graziers tell me their cows did not milk well this summer. "Why didn't my cows milk as well this summer, and how could I have supplemented them?" The answers are not simple, but I have some suggestions.

Two fact-laden summer reports on animal agriculture nearly mirror each other on the woe faced by many American dairy, cattle and hog producers.

Our county fair, among the very last in the state to open each year, is under way. The timing of this fair delights many, as they can select their very best produce to enter for 4-H and open class judging, and cattle and hogs are given just a little extra time to reach as close to perfection as possible.