Friday, May 17, 2024
Let's Talk Rusty Iron

Let's Talk Rusty Iron

How about that Dodge Ram ad at the Super Bowl? It’s not often that the advantages and benefits of farming are placed before such...
Old car Ad

Sam Moore recalls the pressing issues of 80 years ago, just after he turned 5 and was probably happily anticipating Christmas.

Harry McGee raced the St. Louisan from Indianapolis to Terre Haute in 1915, proving an automobile could provide faster transportation than a train.

I have a copy of General Catalog No. 200, issued in 1940 by the John Deere Plow Co. of Columbus, Ohio. The book’s index...

Well, Mother Nature is playing an April Fool’s Day trick on us — it’s snowing as I write this. However, it must be spring;...

During the years of World War I and after, at least until the severe agricultural depression of 1921, tractor manufacturers and wannabes, as well as not a few charlatans who only hoped to sell stock in non-existent tractor companies, were thick on the ground, especially in the Midwest.

O.K., admit it; you’ve never heard of a Davis automobile. Well, neither had I until a visit to the National Truck Museum in Auburn,...

Stark County, Ohio, was a hotbed of farm implement manufacturing during the last half of the 19th century and first half of the 20th....

I found a book online titled: Canton: Its Pioneers and History. A Contribution To The History Of Fulton County, by Alonzo M. Swan, that was published in 1871.
1903 Haynes Apperson ad

One hundred years ago gas engines and tractors were still pretty new, and most people didn't know what made them go when they ran, or what made them stop when they quit.