Monday, May 6, 2024
Let's Talk Rusty Iron

Let's Talk Rusty Iron

Westinghouse portable steam engine

The top five of 10 most significant new developments in agricultural machinery during the 19th century and the first half of the 20th, according to columnist Sam Moore.

A brief look at the contribution made by Caterpillar tractors to the war efforts, and the development of the military tank.
Marian and Sherman Moore

Did I ever tell you that when my mother met my father, he was living at the Beaver County Poor House? Yup, it's true!

A book titled Fordson, Farmall, and Poppin’ Johnny, written in 1987 by Robert C. Williams, tells the history of the tractor beginning with John Froelich’s 1892 contraption, generally credited with being the first gasoline engine powered traction engine, up through the 1980s.
Oliver Hart-Parr 28-44

There are tons of interesting stories from the old days of farm equipment manufacturing.

Not too many of we oldtimers are still around who can say that we lived through the Great Depression of the early 1930s. Young life In...

Although Deere history gives credit for the steel plow to Deere, Case, who later owned Andrus' plow company, cites Leonard Andrus and never mentions Deere.

Folks in the latter half of the 19th century went through an unpleasant ritual along about this time of year, or probably a little earlier in Northern climes, called “putting up the parlor stove.”

Before there was a way to haul loose grain, it was sacked out of the threshing machine.
cattle pulling plow

Sam Moore reflects on the recent weather and recalls nasty weather patterns of the past — more specifically, Europe in 1879.