Sunday, May 19, 2024
livestock guardian dog

Does the term "preservation breeding" work for livestock guardian dog breeding? Tarma Shena takes a closer look.
livestock guardian dog seminar

Tarma Shena shares how "what we’ve always done" with livestock guardian dogs isn’t going to cut it any more, especially as farming continues to change.
Maine forest

Instituting change is hard. It’s even more difficult when that change is ourselves. We created this and the change required to improve must start with us.
livestock guardian dog

Tarma Shena discusses why a solid, healthy livestock guardian dog pack is important, especially when adding an outside dog.
Jacob sheep

Just as environment and expectations are key for livestock guardian dog training, Tarma Shena says these aspects are crucial for livestock selection, too.
ewes and lambs

Training young livestock guardian dogs during lambing can be time consuming, but Tarma Shena shares why it is an important job for the shepherd.
garden squash

Tarma Shena and everyone on farm — even the livestock guardian dogs — enjoy the fruits of their gardening labors, including squash. So much squash.

Each spring, Tarma Shena watches to see how an area responds to winter’s rest before moving stock around. It's a process that has grown and evolved.
livestock guardian dog and livestock

Does thinking differently, having different priorities, or different solutions make a species more or less intelligent than humans? Why do we care so much?
livestock guardian dog with sheep

Tarma Shena takes a look at how the dogs she breeds now are better — and not better — than the ones she bred years ago.