Thursday, May 16, 2024

For many years, every morning I have taken my daily vitamins. My daughter, Karen, tells me what I should take and I follow her...

Are we forgetting to express our appreciation to each other in this new day of self service and automation?

Recently, my wife, Myrna, spent some time in the Akron City Hospital in Akron, Ohio. We did not plan to go there. However, we...

I would like you to think about a special person in your life who has been a very good example to you. Take a...

It is amazing how many people I talk to along the way of life that are looking for “peace.” About the time we think things are getting better, we tune in to the daily news and find out differently. All the things that are going on around our world seem to be filled with bad news.

Have we forgotten Acts 20:35, which says, "It's more blessed to give than to receive"? As far back as I can remember, one of...

About two years ago I finally decided to sell my 1946 John Deere A tractor. I had the tractor for several years and during that time I learned much about John Deere tractors.

I remember when I was very young, my parents bought me a little book that told the story of a little train trying to climb a mountain.

My wife Myrna was making some homemade soup the other day and I asked her why she was using a particular ingredient in it....

Time is getting shorterDo you recall the days when you were a child and Christmas was just around the corner? The closer it was...