

I remember when I was very young, my parents bought me a little book that told the story of a little train trying to climb a mountain.

The little train started out and was doing very well until it got about one half of the way up the mountain, and then it began to struggle. The little train became somewhat defeated, and as he looked up to the top of the mountain, he began to say to himself, “I think I can, I think I can.”

The closer he got to the top of the mountain, the more confident he became in himself. He changed from saying, “I think I can” to “I know I can.”

Believe it or not, even though that is just a make-believe kid’s story, it contains a lot of good truth for all of us.

Life is not always easy. There are times we start out going great, and soon the going gets tough. We begin to doubt our abilities. Sometimes we feel like giving up until we look up and see the finish line.

The closer we get to the finish line, the more self-confidence we gain in ourselves, and the less we want to give into defeat.

That’s why it is so important as the older we get to keep our eyes on the goal. We can’t quit. We are not home yet. We still have a ways to go in this life, and we must give it our best.

If we give up, we not only defeat ourselves but others are who are watching us. They may also fall in defeat by our example.

Jesus looked at them and said, “With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible” [Matthew 19:26].

“For nothing is impossible with God” [Luke 1:37].

These scriptures, along with many others, will strengthen your self-confidence. However, we must take time daily to search the word of God and study them. The more we read them and keep our trust and faith in God, the more self-confidence we will have.

With God’s help and your trust in Him, you can change from, “I think I can” to “I know I can!”


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