Monday, May 6, 2024

You and I know that if we put the horse before the cart the chances of going anywhere are a million times better than if we put the cart first.

With an E. coli outbreak in Germany having sickened over 2,500, afflicted 650 or so with acute kidney failure and, as of June 8,...

In the decade-long, tens-of-billions-of-dollars effort to sell the world on a global free trade deal, several things did not happen. Didn’t come close. First,...

On this Memorial Day, remember Abraham Lincoln's challenge: "It is for us the living to be dedicated here to the unfinished work which they who fought here have thus so nobly advanced."

Squeeze almost any official of almost any agbiz or farm group and the words “Feed the world” will cross their lips. The phrase is...

Politicians are so good at the muddled math of their budget game that they can turn the equation upside down and make it work in reverse: $1 of budget savings today can be legislated into $2 of tax cuts tomorrow.

In a Jan. 27 conference call with Wall Street analysts, the president and CEO of Potash Corp. of Saskatchewan, the world's leading supplier of potash, couldn't offer "an exact number" where potash prices might nick demand.

Farm groups, commodity organizations and most ag checkoffs have spent 25 years and billions dollars refining and repeating their modern message: American agriculture is...

Sure, Rep. Paul Ryan, the chairman of the House Budget Committee, has a 10-year plan to take this country back from the poor, the...

For 35 years I have returned to Indian Farm, when I can, to replenish what it first gave me as a child.