Saturday, May 18, 2024
shovel to ground

Fall is an ideal time to plant new trees. Learn more about the nuances of planting and successfully establishing balled-and-burlapped trees.
hugelkultur bed

Somewhat related to raised beds, learn what the hugelkultur gardening technique is.
apple orchard, toddler picking apples and ear of corn on stalk

Pick-your-own operations are a great way to get your family active outdoors and enjoy the fall colors.
houseplants collage

Although caring for indoor plants is similar to outdoor plants, houseplants require a few special considerations.

Succulents are some of the easiest plants to propagate. Many of them can root and produce a new plant from a stem cutting, a division, an offset or a leaf.

Some gardeners rototill their plots every year out of habit or tradition, but should you?
garden seeds

Use this step-by-step guide to choose the best garden seed supplier and determine the best seed traits for your garden.
succulents with "growing succulents indoors: 6 tips" text

Succulents are easy to grow as long as attention is paid to environment, light, soil, water, fertilizer and pest control.

Spring brings on a need to see green, but being too hasty can hurt you more than help you. Check out these tips for fertilizing your lawn in the spring.
garden tools

Get a jump start on the gardening season by preparing your tools for spring planting.