Sunday, May 5, 2024
transplanting seedlings

Whether you started seeds yourself or purchased vegetable seedlings at the store, now is the time to transplant seedlings in your garden.
carrots and cabbage in garden

There are countless diseases and problems that can affect your plants at all growing stages.
Poison hemlock header

Poison hemlock is not the only plant that you should be on the lookout for. Jimsonweed, pokeweed and black locust are potentially poisonous to livestock.

Fall leaves are an underutilized natural resource, one of the most readily-available forms of organic matter and the cheapest fertilizer on the market.
bird in bird bath

Providing a birdbath is an easy way to attract more birds to your yard. Learn how to create an ideal setup for the birds and conditions in your backyard.

Learn how to safely can salsa by using research-tested recipes, following directions and using the right amounts of ingredients to maintain acidity.

It’s important for fair organizers, visitors and pork exhibitors to have a comprehensive plan in place to reduce the risk of swine flu transmission.

Tomato diseases set in quickly and can be difficult to diagnose. Learn how to identify and treat the most common tomato diseases.
canada geese

Canada geese can be encouraged to abandon the pond, yard, golf course or park by implementing multiple strategies in a rotation before nests are built.
giant foxtail

Learn how to control green, yellow and giant foxtails in their hayfield.