Friday, May 3, 2024

Kymberly Foster Seabolt laments the rainy weather we've had all spring to close the wettest year-long period in U.S. records, which date back to 1895.
Kym Seabolt's cat craft made out of rocks

While cleaning out her late grandmother's house, Kymberly Foster Seabolt has uncovered a lot of forgotten family treasures.
Kym Seabolt's porch

Kym Seabolt recognizes the beauty in allowing old houses to evolve into homes that are lived in, laughed in, and loved for an entirely new generation.
boy wonder

As Kymberly Foster Seabolt finds herself in year 22 of a five-year home renovation project, things are going about as expected.
dirty dishes

Living with adult children has its charms and quirks. Kym Seabolt has already considered taking revenge when her children have their own places one day.
One of Kym Seabolt's children

As an avowed “A little dirt never hurt” parent, Kymberly Foster Seabolt always thought exposure to outdoors made her children healthier as a whole.
college students

Kym Seabolt is impressed that the young adults, who grew up in the wake of Columbine and practiced lockdown drills, don't allow fear to rule their lives.
reading glasses and pill cases

Kymberly Foster Seabolt swears it takes a strict diet and a team of medical and fitness professionals to keep her feeling half as good as she did at 20.
BoyWonder repairing his vehicle

Following BoyWonder's recent brush with catastrophe, Kymberly Foster Seabolt reflects on what kept him safe and got him through the incident.
kindness sidewalk chalk

Kymberly Foster Seabolt talks about the inspiration behind her stories and reminds us to be considerate of others.