Saturday, May 4, 2024

My nemesis is small but stealthy. It lurks under the model of health but, in fact, it's a silent slayer of innocent flesh. I am speaking, of course, of the mandolin slicer.

I was not, as a child, what you would have called a "team player." Joining things just wasn't my forte. I did not play softball, volleyball, basketball or field hockey. Imagine my surprise to wake up and find myself a bona fide soccer mom.

Yesterday I got bangs. As any woman knows, this is clearly a cry for help. Unfortunately I was seized by momentary insanity and my...

I’m not from around here.That’s probably why I got a chuckle when our local village’s Facebook status (yes, we are THAT hip) read “If...

I would like to call to order this meeting of the fellow Mean Mothers of America (MMoA). Our first order of business will be to erect a statue (chocolate, of course) to Mark Zuckerberg, Founder of the social networking site, Facebook.

So I just spent maybe eight minutes weeding an area outside my front door and I deeply resent that time as eight minutes of...

I am not "the outdoor type." I made clear early on that Mr. Wonderful, an avid athlete and outdoorsman, had made a poor choice in mates. He did not marry anyone even remotely "self-sufficient" or "outdoorsy."

The graduate. She has deep blue eyes, a gorgeous smile, and her senior class superlative is “prettiest hair.” That makes sense. She does have the prettiest hair. It’s a gorgeous shade of deep, natural red. This was true even when she was mostly bald and later, briefly, when it all sort of fluffed around her head like a vibrant dandelion puff.

When you're young and just starting to make a little money, (emphasis on "little") you are made to feel a failure if you don't...

First, let me state for the record that no dogs were harmed in the making of this column, though not for lack of trying.Great...