Support your local Humane Society
Editor:No doubt if you watch television, this holiday season you have seen the commercial for abandoned shelter animals featuring Sarah McLaughlin on behalf...
Letter: Climate change article irrational
Reader finds fault with science and logic of recent climate change article.
LETTER: Humane Society is not being honest with its donors
Editor:It's mind-boggling for HSUS CEO Wayne Pacelle to dismiss the 150-plus complaints that have been filed with the Federal Trade Commission against his group....
Speech, it’s not free anymore
A cold day has come now that citizens all over Ohio can no longer express their opinions without fear of retribution from certain animal...
Pacelle: HSUS is willing to find common ground with farmers
Pacelle: The HSUS is willing to sit down and find common ground with agricultural producers to find solutions that are good for farmers, consumers, and animal welfare.
LTTE: Pay cable companies to extend internet
A Farm and Dairy reader shares his thoughts on government-funded initiatives to bring better internet to rural areas.
The steep human cost…
A Farm and Dairy shares his thoughts on reducing oil and gas production in the United States.
Issue 2 is fine, but do we need another amendment?
Issue 2 — What does it do? A lot of us really don’t know. Maybe no on really knows.
The hope is it will...
Strong third political party is needed
Reader gives a new definition of politics.
Why is government involved in prices for farmers?
Editor:I am not a farmer. That may be why I don't get it. I don't understand why farmers want or need the government to...