Friday, May 3, 2024
Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Teaming up with powerful people is not how agriculture should conduct its business.

A Farm and Dairy reader responds to Alan Guebert's Nov. 25 opinion regarding the broken supply chain at U.S. ports.

Editor:On March 1 it was announced that the 30-inch Commonwealth Pipeline, requiring a 75-100-foot right of way, would be developed running from Lycoming County,...

Editor: Ronald Reagan once called the USSR the evil empire. I have some news from the Ukraine, once a part of that evil empire....

Editor:In regard to your Oct. 1 column, we agree that cap and trade is a BAD IDEA for Ohio AND farmers !! South Central...

Reader disagrees with theory of guest commentary author.

Letter to Farm and Dairy Editor Susan Crowell from Fred J. Double.

Do we have to wait for the governor to pass laws on how we raise and care for our birds and animals?

On Dec. 28 a kind, thoughtful and wonderful person, or persons, performed an act of kindness and I want to thank them.

Of all antibiotics used in the United States, only 6.1 percent are used for growth promotion in food-producing animals, so don't blame livestock producers for antibiotic resistance.