Friday, May 3, 2024
Penn State Quarter Horse Sale

To protect Ohio horses and livestock from a highly-contagious virus, the ODA has banned horses from certain areas from coming into the state.
Basket of apples

Planning to pick your own apples this fall? Learn which varieties of apples are perfect for snacking, baking, making applesauce and more.
social media

Learn how to use Facebook event listings, ads and boosted posts to attract attendees to your fall farm event.
north country trail sign

The North Country Trail is being built one handshake at a time. It doesn't have the power of eminent domain so it relies instead on building relationships.
Friends and family congratulate Billy Kegley after he wins beef showman of showmen.

At the 2019 Stark County Fair, 4-Hers and their families worked hard in the barns and the show rings.
boy haircut to calf

There's a little bit of something for everyone at the Canfield Fair, from animals to antique machinery to apple cider.

Learn everything you need to know about planting bulbs in the fall — what bulbs to plant, when and how to plant them and more!
canfield fair

The Canfield Fair held its first ever wiener dog races August 31. At the fair, 46 dogs raced in three heats, with a fourth heat to determine the winner.

Shaena Mallett, director, said they wanted to strike a balance. “… That’s something I wanted to be honest about with Farmsteaders — farming is beautiful and hard,” she said. “I wanted to share the perspective that hard isn’t bad, and in fact some of the most worthwhile endeavors we could possibly take on may also be the most difficult.” Agriculture seems to be the topic du jour these days — for politicians, entertainers and, well, everyone. That’s why Mallett’s storytelling struck me. It’s poignant without being pretentious.
walking goats at fair

The Mahoning County Junior Fair is hosting what they hope will be the world’s largest goat parade on Labor Day at the Canfield Fair.