Friday, May 3, 2024
Pancake Tree Farm

Richard Berg is committed to protecting and conserving his 132-acre Certified Tree Farm in Negley, Ohio. Columbiana SWCD honored him as 2016 Cooperator of the Year.

You’re just 10 steps away from enjoying a delicious deep-fried turkey! Check out these tips for preparing, thawing and cooking your Thanksgiving turkey.

Learn to navigate through Ohio's Current Agricultural Use Value legislation to find out if you qualify.
Corn snow

The first dose of cold weather and snow stops harvest, for a while.
tractor plowing snow

A shift in one end of the polar vortex toward eastern North America, could yield colder winters for the region.
Kelly McKelvey

Kelly McKelvey's conservation practices throughout the years earned him the Conservation Farmer of Year Award from the Wayne SWCD.
Wayne SWCD winners

The Wayne Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) held its annual meeting and banquet Nov. 17 at Northwestern High School to recognize producers and individuals for their conservation efforts.

Locally grown food is good for eaters, the economy and the environment. It increases farm income, creates profitable new markets for local producers, brings people together, builds community and strengthens our food system.
Rural Roles: Ernie Rodgers

Community rescue and Christmas trees top the priority list in the Ernie Rodgers family, New Castle, Pennsylvania. Serving as a volunteer firefighter for 43 years, this rural role brings the community a sense of security.
Gypsy moth

Gypsy moth catches were down 14.6 percent in Ohio for 2016. A late season rain may have contributed to the population decrease, but populations can fluctuate from year to year.