Saturday, May 4, 2024
sidedressing corn

The break-up of a Russian potash cartel is part of what’s triggering the fertilizer market upheaval.

Although cell phone cameras are a recent innovation, they continue nearly 150 years of tradition that photography should be broadly accessible and an extension of our own experience.

This year's market livestock sale at the Mercer County (Pa.) 4-H Roundup totaled nearly $142,000.

Move over The Lost Colony and Jamestown, a new fort has the distinction of being the oldest European fort in the inland United States.
Holsteins on pasture.

Consumers and retailers who purchased raw milk from Green Acres Jersey Farm, 725 Prescott Road, Lebanon, should discard it immediately due to Listeria monocytogenes contamination found in a recent sample collected by the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture.

As the new corn and soybean crops are harvested, feed prices should drop sharply, making lower milk prices more bearable.

Tucked in the far southwestern corner of Pennsylvania, John and Dorothy Marchezak juggled the demands of a dairy operation and raising children, Patty, Jan and John E. They bottled their own milk, with a door-to-door delivery route, and sold meat from their Washington County farm.

The Ohio State Fair Sale of Champions sets new records

By rewriting Ohio's phosphorus risk index, researcher Elizabeth Dayton is trying to reduce phosphorus runoff.

How exactly do you keep kale fresh over time? We have the answer in this week's How-To Tuesday.