FSA Andy: Tap into the services USDA offers by getting on register


Hello Again!

I can’t remember a winter quite like this. I guess that’s because we really haven’t had winter yet, just rain, mud, snow, and then rain, mud and snow again. Our dogs have had almost more baths this winter than I have. Of course we never know what March will have in store for us, so I shouldn’t complain. This morning felt like an April morning as I heard the birds chirping and watched the beautiful sunrise as it came up in the eastern sky.

Seems us farmers complain about the weather more than anything else and yet we can’t do a thing about it. So whatever your day is like, enjoy it, for each day is indeed a gift that we too often take for granted.

Help available

The Farm Service Agency and the USDA Office of Advocacy and Outreach have created the Minority Farm Register to reach underserved farmers who are not currently enrolled in USDA loan, farm or conservation programs. By joining the register, minority producers may receive outreach materials, newsletters, and program announcements from USDA agencies. They may also receive information and assistance from other USDA-approved outreach partners, such as community-based organizations, faith-based organizations, and minority-serving educational institutions. USDA will carefully control access to and use of the register.

Individuals wishing to join the register must sign and date a form that provides their name and address. Providing phone numbers, e-mail address, race, ethnicity, gender and farm or ranch location will be voluntary, although the additional information increases the producer’s opportunities for receiving timely assistance. The register pamphlet with the registration form is available at all USDA Service Centers, or on the FSA website www.fsa.usda.gov under the “Forms” tab at the top of the website.

An individual may remove his or her name at any time.

Get it in writing

The Farm Service Agency is required to issue a receipt, when requested, for service or denial of service to a current or prospective producer or landowner. Your local FSA staff, upon request, will provide an AD-2088 (receipt for service) when any inquirer, applicant, or customer seeks information about, or requests any benefit or service provided by FSA.

Our goal at FSA is always to provide our customers with the very best service possible. As always you can contact your local FSA office for program details.

That’s all for now,
FSA Andy

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