Have a nice day!


Have a Nice Day!
When was the last time someone said to you, “Have a nice day?”
One way you can have a nice day is to tell someone else to have a nice day. If you don’t believe me, try it. You will be pleasantly surprised.
You may be thinking, as you read this article today, saying, “Have a nice day” to someone is really not necessary or very important. It may seem that it is just a little thing of no real significance, but you are wrong. “Little things console us because little things affect us” [Blaise Pasgal].
Have you ever noticed the difference in the atmosphere at Christmas time when people are taking time to wish each other a “Merry Christmas?” It seems to be more of a time of friendship and happiness than most other times of the year. Why? Because we take the time to share our friendship with each other, and in so doing, it makes our day a better day.
If it works at Christmas time, it will work all the time when we take our time to show interest in each other by simply saying to them, “Have a nice day!” It is a wonderful way of giving a gift of caring and appreciation for others.
It does not cost you one penny. So you can’t say you can’t afford it!
We are all human, and we will continue to encounter a not-so-good day from time to time. It’s music to our ears when someone tells us to have a nice day on those not-so-good days. It’s like a cup of coffee!

O, what little thing can turn
A heavy heart from sigh to song!
A smile can make the world less stern,
A word can cause the soul to burn
With glow of heaven, all night long.

Make someone’s day today by saying to them, “Have a nice day!” It may make your day also. Try it!
Think about it!
(If you would like a copy of Dr. Hazlett’s book, Think About It, please send a check or money order in the amount of $13.45 to: Dr. George A. Hazlett, c/o Farm and Dairy, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460.)

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  1. Dr. George A. Hazlett (who died Saturday, January 18, 2014) will be greatly missed. He was a dedicated and caring man, a common sense preacher and writer who was sincere in all he said and did. The best way to get through all the hardships of life, he often said, is to trust God and Jesus Christ and to pray. He touched so many people in the many areas of life he traveled and the various spheres of influence. We will miss him and mourn for him and his loved ones, and even more for the one or many, perhaps, who are needed to fill the gap, the void caused by his passing. Good bye, George, great man of God and friend of those whose life he touched.