Hazard a guess on our newest antique metal item

Item No. 1218
Item No. 1216

Hello from Hazard!
We had another guess come in on Item No. 1216. Richard Powell, Massillon, Ohio, said it is a dead end clamp for high tension electric lines. He said there is a ball socket missing.
Ed Pizzino, Hopedale, Ohio, found the item on a farm in the mud in an area that had not been touched for over 100 years.

Item No. 1217

Darryl Geary said Item No. 1217 is used for stabilizing a metal fence post. It is driven into the ground along with the fence post. John Paglialunga, St. Clairsville, Ohio, agrees with Darryl. He said you pound the item into the ground then put you fence post into the center hole, and this makes your fence post sturdier.
John Boles found the item dumped on the hillside behind his house in Elyria.




Item No. 1218

Item No. 1218 comes from Randy Winland, of Prospect, Ohio.
Do you know what this item is and how it was used? Email us at editorial@farmanddairy.com; or by mail to: Hazard a Guess, c/o Farm and Dairy, P.O. Box 38, Salem, OH 44460. We could use some Hazard items. If you have something you need identified, send it our way!

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  1. No.1218. It’s a tool used to hold the glass in place on a glass greenhouse. It puts diamond shaped brads in place.

  2. Item number 1218. I found one also, thought it was a stapler . One side has DP2, flip side has PAT1744700 and NO-S 1134354. How does one find the worth of stapler?


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