New Year’s Eve challenge


My wife gave me a challenge, last year on New Year’s Eve, to welcome in a brand new year. I must have been naïve.

I usually go to bed the same time chickens do at night. So for me to stay up late at night was really going to bite.

I hoped to stay awake by drinking caffeinated drinks. I loaded up at Walmart with my favorite smokie links.

My wife bought cheese and crackers and we made her onion dip. Was I ready for the evening? I just had to get a grip.

At eight o’clock my brain was saying, “Time to go to bed.” But I shook it off before my wife could call me, “Sleepy head.”

There were only four more hours that I’d need to stay awake. But my eyes were getting sleepy. How much more could I take?

So at nine o’clock I ate the smokies, crackers and the cheese. Then I drank down all the soda pop. Those drinks were just a tease.

At ten o’clock my eyes were drooping down to go to sleep. I realized this challenge was a little bit too steep.

My mouth was sagging open. I was ’bout to drip some drool, when my fuzzy brain connected. It said, “Get to sleep you fool!”

At eleven sharp I closed my eyes to get a wink or two. Those doggone winks turned out to be a little more than few.

I thought I heard my wife say, “Hon it’s almost twelve o’clock.” I must have been in heaven, I was sleeping like a rock.

When I woke and looked around the room, I’d somehow climbed in bed. And sure enough my wife exclaimed, “Good morning sleepy head.”

How does a husband live it down? A wife just seems to know. She’d warned me not to close my eyes. She’s saying, “Told you so.”

I hope I stop accepting every challenge from my wife. I know I should resist. It always seems to cause me strife.

So, this Saturday, on New Year’s Eve, it won’t be such a shock. There’ll be no more celebrating and in bed at eight o’clock.

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