Baughman H2Ohio Wetland Restoration Project completed

ODNR celebrated the completion of the Baughman H2Ohio Wetland Restoration Project with a ribbon-cutting ceremony. (ODNR photo)

LIMA, Ohio — The Ohio Department of Natural Resources celebrated the completion of the Baughman H2Ohio Wetland Restoration Project with a ribbon-cutting ceremony recently.

The Baughman H2Ohio wetland project restores 19 acres of wetlands, which will filter sediment and nutrients from the water before it flows into the Maumee River Watershed.

The newly completed wetland will also address significant flooding issues that previously impacted nearby neighborhoods. Reducing nutrient and sediment loads in the Maumee River Watershed is critical to addressing harmful algal blooms in the Western Lake Erie Basin.

In addition to the wetland restoration, 11,000 feet of drainage tile were installed throughout the area to capture stormwater and redirect it to the wetlands for water quality treatment. This will assist in addressing flooding, while improving water quality overall.

The Baughman H2Ohio project was completed through collaboration with several partners including Allen County Drainage Engineer’s Office, Allen Oakwood Correctional Institution, America Township Trustees and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Great Lakes Restoration Initiative. The project was completed with the use of federal, H2Ohio funds and local funds. For more information visit