Columbiana Co. will crown new dairy princess


SALEM, Ohio — The Columbiana County Buckeye Dairy Boosters will soon be choosing the 2013-2014 Columbiana County Dairy Princesses. The program is now in its 35th year.

The princess will be selected and crowned at the Dairy Boosters’ luncheon April 21, at Das Dutch Village Inn from 1-3:0 p.m.


Interested contestants, ages 14-25, must have a dairy farm background, which includes working on a dairy farm, or having a dairy 4-H project, and must be residents of Columbiana County.

A $500 scholarship will be available to the dairy princess, providing she requests the scholarship and can provide proof of enrollment to a two- or four-year institution of higher learning.

The winner must agree to be able to attend promotions through the year, such as the twilight tour, one shift at the dairy boosters’ ice cream barn and awarding of dairy ribbons at the fair, the drive-it-yourself tour/tillage day and the following year dairy boosters’ luncheon to crown the next princess.

The princess is also encouraged to participate in at least two of the following events: any local parade, a dairy promotion at a local store, or some form of a promotion during June National Dairy Month and/or July National Ice Cream Month.

Applications must be received by April 6. To receive an application, contact dairy princess committee member Pam Herron at 330-222-1637, email