Columbiana County Fair steer, cheese and dairy beef feeder photos


Scroll down to see some photos from Thursday night’s junior fair steer, cheese and dairy beef feeder sales. Check back for sale details, and then later for photos from Saturday’s small animal, and hog and lamb sales.

Aug. 4 and 6, 2011

Sale Total: $385,003.15

Total Lots: 468


Number of Market Lots: 62
Average: $1.76/pound
Total: $133,505.20

Grand champion: Kolton Kitzmiller
Bid: $7.25/pound Weight: 1,322 pounds
Buyer: Enviroscapes, Kiko Meats, Paris & Washington Insurance
Reserve champion: Betty Richey
Bid: $3.25/pound Weight: 1,243 pounds
Buyer: Garwood Cattle Co.
Outstanding Youth Project*: Megan Drake
Bid: $1.90/pound Weight: 1,232 pounds
Buyer: Kiko Meats
Reserve Outstanding Youth*: Melinda Richey
Bid: $1.50/pound Weight: 1,282 pounds
Buyer: Rogers Mill, Hanoverton Feeds
Rate of Gain: Brent Reisner
Junior showmanship/skillathon: Hunter Urmson
Intermediate showmanship/ Showman of Showmen: Kyla Sharp
Senior showmanship: Kelsey Baker
Intermediate Skillathon: Megan Drake
Senior Skillathon: Haley Drake
Columbiana Co. Born and Raised: Betty Richey

Story Continues Below Photos (click on photo to read identification)

2011 Columbiana County Fair


Number of Lots: 97
Average: $1.66/pound
Total: $85,761.30

Grand champion: Jerald Himes
Bid: $3/pound Weight: 571 pounds
Buyer: Ramsey Hoof Trimming
Reserve champion: Morgan Smallwood
Bid: $2.40/pound Weight: 529 pounds
Buyer: Carrollton Livestock Auction
Junior showmanship: Bryan Himes
Intermediate showmanship/Showman of Showmen: Jerald Himes
Senior showmanship: Dustin Campbell


Number of Lots: 25
Average: $1,034 with champions
Total: $25,850

Grand champion: Ryan Kiko
Bid: $2,000/basket
Buyer: Cope Farm Equipment
Reserve champion: Autumn Whiteleather
Bid: $1,400/basket
Buyer: Rosebud Mining


Number of Market Lots: 152
Average: $2.77/pound
Total: $109,790.70
Number of Carcass Lots: 2

Grand champion: Dylan Judy
Bid: $9.75/pound Weight: 274 pounds
Buyer: Save-A-lot Stores
Reserve champion: Kristen Corey
Bid: $8.50/pound Weight: 296 pounds
Buyer: Chesapeake Energy
Grand champion carcass: Jeremy Shafer
Bid: $5/pound Weight: 162 pounds
Buyer: Old Stagecoach Inn
Reserve champion carcass: Chris Halt
Bid: $4.25/pound Weight: 184 pounds
Buyer: Hanover Farms
Outstanding Youth project: Mackenzie Kiko
Reserve Outstanding Youth Project: Hayley McElroy
Senior showmanship: Tyler Pidgeon
Junior showmanship: Joel Fitzsimmons
Showman of Showmen: Body Kiko
Senior showmanship, skillathon: Brooke Riffee
Junior skillathon: Hannah Hephner
Intermediate skillathon: Courtney Hephner


Number of Market Lots: 51
Average: $2.62/pound
Total: $15,376.30
Number of Carcass Lots: 2

Grand champion: Morgan Urmson
Bid: $6.10/pound Weight: 132 pounds
Buyer: Kiko Meats
Reserve champion: Margaret McNicol
Bid: $3.75/pound Weight: 143 pounds
Buyer: Millstone Farm and Garden
Grand champion carcass: Logan Sharp
Bid: $3.50/pound Weight: 103 pounds
Buyer: David Cunningham and Family
Reserve champion carcass: Alex Cope
Bid: $3/pound Weight: 115 pounds
Buyer: Kiko Auctions
Champion Best Project*: Alex Cope
Reserve Best Project, Senior Showmanship and
Showman of Showmen: Nathaniel Birkhimer
Junior skillathon: Hunter Urmson
Intermediate skillathon: Hannah Swope
Junior showmanship: Mitchell Sharp
Intermediate showmanship: Courtney Cooper
Rate of Gain: Jaret Hahn


Number of Market Lots: 15
Average: $2.63/pound
Total: $2,399.65

Grand champion: Kylie Hillyer
Bid: $5/pound Weight: 73 pounds
Buyer: J&K Photography
Reserve champion: Emily Crouch
Bid: $3/pound Weight: 96 pounds
Buyer: Rogers Community Auction
Showman of Showmen: Anna Paterson
Novice Showman: Haley Brieck
Senior showman: Nathaniel Birkhimer


Number of Individual Fryers: 8
Number of Pens of Three: 8
Averge: $150.31
Total: $2,405

Grand champion fryer (one head): Kylie Youst
Bid: $85 Weight: 5.10 pounds
Buyer: Farmer Bill’s Carryout
Reserve champion fryer (one head): Hannah Davis
Bid: $45 Weight: 4.00 pounds
Buyer: Steer Financial
Grand champion pen of three: Ashley Wright
Bid: $175 Weight: 15.58 pounds
Buyer: Benny Wright
Reserve champion pen of three: Kylie Youst
Bid: $75 Weight: 15.14 pounds
Buyer: Farmer Bill’s Carryout


Number of Pens of Three: 23
Averge: $228.26
Total: $5,250

Grand champion: Lydia Ash

Bid: $175 Weight: 25.22 pounds
Buyer: Case Farms
Reserve champion: Allison Slutz
Bid: $230 Weight: 24.45 pounds
Buyer: Spring Hollow Trucking


Number of lots: 27
Averge: $157.78
Total: $4,665

Grand champion: Kiersten Cusick
Bid: $300/head Weight: 35.8 pounds
Buyer: Brown Funeral Home
Reserve champion: Andrew Bock
Bid: $300/head Weight: 42.2 pounds
Buyer: Ramsey Hoof Trimming

Auctioneers and Ringmen: Ken Baer, Bill Baer,
Wade Baer, Sam Baer, Mark Harding, Rusty Kiko,
Randall Kiko and Rudy Kiko

King: Brock Kelm Queen: Nicole Richey

*The grand and reserve champion Outstanding Youth Project is based on the exhibitor’s skillathon, showmanship and live animal conformation scores.