Eastern Ohio Grazing Council pasture walk on Oct. 24

Holstein dairy cattle grazing
(Farm and Dairy file photo)

CARROLLTON, Ohio — The Eastern Ohio Grazing Council will host a Grazing Workshop on Oct. 24 at 6 p.m. at Schmuki Dairy Farm, 8187 Stone Ave. SW, Navarre, Ohio.

Kenny Schmuki is the third generation to operate Schumki Dairy Farm, which has been in the family since 1966. Alongside dairy, the Schmuki’s run an Angus cow/calf operation, hay/grain operation and manage forest land for timber. Schmuki wants to update his grazing system by breaking up paddocks and implementing more intensive management of the herd.

Attendees will learn how to read soil test results and next steps to take, as well as how to transition to rotational grazing. A paddock layout group discussion will also take place and a soil health station and rainfall simulator will be present.

A meal will be provided with an RSVP. Interested parties must RSVP by Oct. 21. To RSVP, call Jefferson Soil and Water Conservation District at 740-264-9790 or visit http://bit.ly/EOGCEvents.

Pasture walks are normally held the fourth Thursday of the month April through October on various farms throughout Carroll, Columbiana, Harrison, Jefferson, Stark and Tuscarawas counties. Anyone interested in the conservation of our soil and water through growing and grazing forages is encouraged to attend the monthly meetings.

Those interested in attending any of the scheduled 2024 events should contact the Carroll SWCD at 330-627-9852 to be placed on the mailing list. Interested parties can contact Beth at beth.kruprzak@usda.gov to be added to the email list.