A roundup of 4-H news for the week of Feb. 26, 2009


BERGHOLZ, Ohio — The Barshoe Wranglers 4-H club met Feb. 18. Officers were sworn in, including recreation officer Ian Porter.

The club welcomed new member Dylan Hughes.

C.J. Glenn, Nickolas Glenn, Logan Glenn and Ian Porter gave demonstrations.

Club members plan to participate in 4-H Iron Chef and do window decorating at Celebrations in Steubenville, Ohio.

The Barshoe Wranglers’ next meeting is at 7 p.m. March 18 at the Jefferson County JVS.

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AMHERST, Ohio — The second meeting of the Brownhelm Perfection & BB 4-H club was held at the Brownhelm United Church of Christ Feb. 2.

The following members were elected officers for the coming year: Brad Thrasher, president; Madeline Ott, vice president; Jared Kromer, secretary and Nathan Kromer, treasurer.

The club also met Feb. 16. Some of the members participated in a 4-H presentation to the Firelands third graders Feb. 6.

Enrollment sheets are due at the March 2 meeting.

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CORTLAND, Ohio — The East Ohio 4-H club held its first meeting of the year Feb. 8 and discussed fair-related topics such as quality assurance and a mandatory goat and market project class.

The club has an Amish dinner coming up and the club voted to donate a “Fair Survival” themed basket to the Chinese auction to be held during the dinner.

The next meeting will be at Wildare United Methodist Church March 8.

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NEWTON FALLS, Ohio — The February meeting of the Trumbull County Cows R Us Dairy Club was held at Newton Falls Library.

The club discussed the dairy clinic, the theme of cheese baskets and Quality Assurance, which will be held March 21 at Trumbull County Fairgrounds.

The next meeting is March 15 at the library.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — The Guy and Gals 4-H club met Feb. 15 at Darla and Ed Cundiff’s home.

The club elected new officers. They are Shawn Bailey, president; Chase Horn, vice president; Natalie Romeo, secretary; Seth Rutledge, treasurer; Brandon Bailey, safety; Brittney Host, reporter; Max Romeo, health; and Ben Romeo, recreation.

Quality Assurance will be April 20 at 7 p.m. at Carrollton High School.

The next meeting will be March 15 at 6:30 p.m. at Darla and Ed Cundiff’s home.

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MINERVA, Ohio — Stillfork 4-H club held its monthly meeting Feb. 16 at Mount Zion Church with 24 in attendance.

The club met new members, turned in enrollment cards, put members in booth and barrel committees, and discussed a chicken dinner to be held April 5 at Augusta Masonic Lodge from noon to 4 p.m.

The next meeting will be March 16 at 7 p.m. at Mount Zion Church. T-shirts and committee reports will be discussed.

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HOOKSTOWN, Pa. — The Silver Spurs 4-H Horse & Pony Club members recently elected the following officers: president, Samantha Grimm; vice president, Auberly Berringer; secretary, Rachel Wilson; treasurer, Angela Grimm; programs chair, Katelynn Greenawald; historian, Makenzie Moore; news reporter, Emma Wilson; programs assistant, Forrest Swoager.
Members discussed fundraisers to raise money for a trip to Kentucky in June. A hoagie sale and candy bars are the first fundraisers.

The club will also send a junior and senior team to Penn State for a horse judging competition in March.

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MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. — The Marshall County 4-H and FFA Goat and Rabbit Club met Feb. 19 at The Barn on Fourth Street to discuss plans for the club’s annual overnighter, April 24-25.

Members also discussed the market goat weigh-in May 2 at 10 a.m. at the fairgrounds. All market goats must be disbudded, castrated, and scrapie tagged in order to weigh in.

The breed date for market rabbits is around April 6.

The club also voted to purchase club T-shirts again this year.

Scholarship forms are also available for anyone qualifying for a scholarship this year. They may be downloaded from the club’s Web page or picked up at the extension office on Fourth Street in Moundsville. Forms are due by July 1.

The next meeting will be held during the overnighter at 6:30 p.m. April 24.

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NORTH JACKSON, Ohio — The Jackson-Milton Livestock 4-H club held a meeting Feb. 11 where members conducted an election of officers for the 2009 year.

Deanna Ritchie was elected president, the vice president is Nathan Suchy, secretary is Mary Ann Kirk, Colton Horvath was named treasurer and the reporter is Greta Frost.

The quality assurance program March 7 at Canfield High School was discussed. The group made plans for a tour of Horst Packing.

The next meeting will be March 19 at the Jackson Township Administration Building.

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ELLSWORTH, Ohio — Western Reserve Rangers 4-H club past president Amelia Shrader was selected to receive one of the four state 4-H Leadership Awards at the Ohio 4-H Volunteer Conference in Columbus March 14.

The club will also be recognized with a state 4-H Recruitment Award at the conference.

Ranger member Delorean Jones was recognized for making the second team for the Federal League bowling teams following the season ending bowling tournament at Park Center Lanes in Canton in February. She is a member of the Austintown Fitch bowling team.

The week of March 1-7 is Ohio 4-H Week. Club members will wear 4-H shirts and caps to celebrate the event.

The club elected the following officers for 2009: Amanda Majirsky, president; Blake Algarin and Katherine Pitcairn, vice presidents; Alexx Hames and Hannah Shrader, secretaries; Delorean Jones and Cheyenne Rowbotham, treasurers; Ashley Algarin, Elizabeth Marinescu, Gabriella Marinescu and Nickolas Marinescu, news reporters; Anna Marie Duda, Jessica Corll and Sarah Hernan, recreation leaders; Donny Duda, safety leader; and Richie Hedrick, health leader.

The Berlin and Ellsworth community Easter egg hunt will be held at Western Reserve High School April 10 at 2 p.m. Members should bring filled plastic Easter eggs to the March meeting for the egg hunt.

Janet Majirsky reminded livestock project members to attend the mandatory quality assurance workshops March 7 at Canfield High School beginning at 8 a.m.

The Rangers will meet again March 12 at 7 p.m. 4-H project books will be distributed and county judging events will be reviewed.

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BURTON, Ohio — The Swingin’ Hams 4-H club met Feb. 3 at the Geauga Country Fairgrounds.

At the meeting, outstanding participation ribbons were awarded to members that could not make it to the awards ceremony.

Members voted on donating $25 to the endowment fund.

The next meeting is March 3 at 7 p.m.

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