A roundup of FFA news for the week of April 8, 2010


HAMLIN, W.Va. — Lincoln County FFA is holding a farm equipment consignment auction May 1 at 10 a.m. at the new Lincoln County High School in Hamlin.

All types of farm equipment will be accepted. No batteries, windows or car tires. Agricultural tires may be accepted upon request.

Consignments will be taken April 29, 4 p.m. until dark; April 30, 8 a.m. until dark; and May 1, 7 to 9:30 a.m.

For more information, call Ryan Saxe at 304-824-6000, ext. 1028 or Mike Steward at 304-824-7525.

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HANOVERTON, Ohio — Students from the United FFA competed at the judging competitions held at Ashland High School and the State Fairgrounds.

At Ashland, the Nature Interpretation Team placed third out of eleven teams. Alex Hull placed 3rd, Rebecca Swope placed 7th, and Kaleigh Hilton placed 41st.

The Wildlife team placed 8th out of 26 teams. Team members included Hull , who placed 6th, Hilton and Swope.

The wildlife team competed at State judging March 27 and placed 18th out of 99 teams.

Hull was the high scorer, placing 4th out of 368.

Swope participated in the Nature Interpretation competition and placed 21st out of 120. The equine team placed 80th out of 145 teams. Chris Patterson was high scorer. Casey Bardo was high scorer on the dairy team, which placed 39th out of 84. United also sent a general livestock judging team.

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