A roundup of 4-H news for the week of April 8, 2010


ALLIANCE, Ohio –The March 22 meeting of the Country Folks and Country Barbwires 4-H groups was held at the Washington Township Fire Department.

Some important upcoming dates are quality assurance April 17 at noon at the Washington Township Fire Department; clothes judging July 15; and Extravaganza July 17.

Also at the meeting, N-Z members gave their demonstrations, members whose last name begins with A-M will present their projects at the next meeting.

After the meeting, Fire Chief Terry Wilson gave members a tour of the fire station and Lindsey Brugger talked about the Clearblue Global Water Project.

The purpose of this project is to raise money to dig wells for places without clean water.

Any member who has not paid for their book needs to pay $5. Pickup at the next meeting. The next meeting will be April 26 at 7 p.m. at the Washington Township Fire Hall.

Joe Corbi’s Pizza will deliver the pizza orders at the next meeting, April 26, and members should arrive early to pick them up.

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SALEM, Ohio — The Greenford Silver Spurs 4-H club elected its officers at the March 23 meeting.

President Emilee Withers, Vice President Kerry Dombroski, Secretary Katelin Smith, Treasurer Kate Vaughn and News Reporter Lillian Wood were elected.

Business discussed included the election of officers and the club’s preparation for the Memorial Day Parade.

Members are to wear their black club jacket at the parade May 31.

The parade practice will be May 25 at Buckeye Horse Park in Canfield.

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MECHANICSTOWN, Ohio — Snoopy’s Friends 4-H club met March 23 at Mercy Health Center with 13 present.

Adviser Cherryl Jones conducted the business meeting.

The club voted to fund a sign for the 4-H levy.

The next meeting is April 27 at 6:30 p.m.

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MECHANICSTOWN, Ohio — Kangaroo Krew 4-H club met March 19 at Mechanicstown Church with 21 in attendance.

The club discussed a church cleanup. Kyle Host gave a demonstration on gymnastics. Eliza Days gave a talk on strep throat. Evan Days talked about fifth disease, and Emmy Days discussed H1N1.

The next meeting is at Mechanicstown Church April 16 at 5:30 p.m. The church cleanup is planned.

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NORTH JACKSON — The Jackson-Milton Livestock Club met Feb. 23, and the members voted on officers for the upcoming year.

The members attended Quality Assurance on March 6, and learned about keeping their market projects safe and healthy for their consumers.

The week of March 7 was 4-H week, and the members wore their club shirts to school on the Wednesday of that week.

On March 13, a meeting was held for members taking hog or lamb projects for the first or second time. The meeting covered the basics of taking those projects, there was a brief PowerPoint presentation, and then the meeting was opened up for questions and discussion.

The group will have a float in the 4th of July Parade in North Jackson July 3.

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BURTON, Ohio — Geauga Beef and Swine 4-H Club met March 21 for their third meeting of the year.

President Caitlin Jefferson began the meeting by asking for a sales committee report and Vice President Jordan Munn explained that there will be no runners at the Livestock Sale this fair.

The club members then volunteered to attend the next Livestock Sales Committee Meeting scheduled for 7:30 p.m. April 8 in the school exhibit building at the Geauga County Fairgrounds.

Advisor Wendy Anderson told the poultry kids that turkeys will arrive either the second or third week in April.

At the end of the meeting the club made Easter cards for the County Home. The clubs will meet again at 3:30 p.m. April 18th in the school exhibit building at the Geauga County Fairgrounds.

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BARNESVILLE, Ohio — The Barnesville Progressive Home Helpers met March 20 at the Main Street United Methodist Church in Barnesville.

Several reports were read and the club discussed the final enrollment for 2010 projects.

The next meeting will be held on April 8, at 10 a.m. at the church.

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PIERPONT, Ohio — The Pierpont Mix-n-Match PACS 4-H club met March 27 at Pierpont Presbyterian Church.

Club members elected the following 2010 officers: president, Tori Kanicki; vice president, Cody Kanicki; treasurer, Justin Swiger; secretary, Adam Richcreek; news reporters, Olivia Holden, Andrew Holden; health officer, Tessa LeBaron; safety officer, Valarie Burlingame; Recreation officer, Jenna Swiger.

Members also turned in their fees, enrollment forms and youth code of conduct forms. They discussed plans for the rigatoni dinner and Chinese auction, and members were given tickets to sell. The dinner will be held from 5-7 p.m. May 8 at the Pierpont Fire Department, Red Building.

Animal project members learned how to interpret a feed label; other members went through their project books, and Cloverbud members learned the 4-H Pledge.

The next meeting is 2-4 p.m. April 18.

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EAST CANTON, Ohio –The Happy Farmerettes and Farmers 4-H club of Osnaburg Township held a meeting March 18 at the Thouvenin home.

The meeting was led by Rachael Ray, president. She brought the meeting to order with the pledge of allegiance followed by the 4-H pledge. The roll call was answered by each member telling what they did after school.

The minutes were read by Joseph Verduce and approved. Renee Greathouse gave a health report on caffeine and some of the negative side effects and the importance of water to the human body, especially when exercising.

Rebecca Maurer gave a safety report on warming up first before playing baseball and softball. She also spoke about keeping hydrated and always wearing a helmet when batting.

Cloverbuds decided to do the project on birds this year and planted sunflowers.

Old business centered around finalizing membership forms and selecting projects. All members taking market animals need to attend the Quality Assurance program.

Gertrude Thouvenin donated money toward the turkey trophy for the club.

New business included reminding members to bring items to fill a basket that is going to be donated at the Swiss steak dinner.

The club is donating two baskets with the themes of anything space and bath and body. The bath and body basket was made by the Greathouse family.

The dinner will be held April 24 from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Nimishillen Grange, Easton Street, Louisville. Anyone wishing to purchase tickets can contact the 4-H office at 330-830-7700, ext. 115.

Raffle tickets for the baskets will also be sold.

The meeting was adjourned and members had refreshments, provided by Brittany Gibson. Next meeting will be April 8.

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NORTH LIMA, Ohio –The Pinelakers held their monthly 4-H meeting March 25th at Mt. Olivet Church.

The elections of officers was held and the results were as follows: Allie Walkama, president, Liborio Ricottilli, vice president, Katie Stanwood, treasurer, Anthony Rocottilli, secretary, Carson Markley, asst. secretary, Natalie DelSignore, news reporter, Baylee Felger, and Isabella Ricottilli, safety reporters – Joe Filey, recreation, Nicky DelSignore and Trent Harrold are health reporters.

The next meeting will be at 7:30 p.m. April 22.

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