A weekly roundup of 4-H news for the week of June 5, 2008


NORTH BENTON, Ohio — The Village Varieties 4-H club met May 20 at the North Benton Presbyterian Church.

In old business, the club collected notes of encouragement to send to servicemen currently serving in Iraq. The county poster contest was also discussed.

In new business, adviser Sharen O’Brock read a thank-you note from a servicewoman, Jen Billow, who had received a care package from the club. She resides in Washington state when not on active duty.

Adviser Glory Zamarelli discussed the bake that will be held at Salem Giant Eagle. President Jon Wilson discussed the Smith Township Community road clean-up held May 24.

Kathy Phillips discussed the line dance fundraiser to be held June 12.

Health reports were given by Megan Winters and Ben Grammer. Safety reports were given by Billy Grammer, Lea Bock, Ben Grammer and Jordan Rohaley. Demonstrations were given by Gabrielle Sanor and Kathy Phillips.

The next meeting will be held June 12. Members are to bring their project books.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — The Kangaroo Krew met May 16 at the Mechanicstown Church with 14 members attending.

Discussion included the homecoming parade and having rabbit bingo for a fundraiser. The club also discussed possibly setting up a table for donations to paint Kangaroo Crossing. Members also voted to bring in food for Loaves and Fishes for a community service project.

Finally, members talked about how to market their 4-H projects.

Tina Costarella talked about rabbits and Eliza Days gave a demonstration on knitting, while Blade Eckenrode talked about showing a rabbit.

Safety talks were given by Eliza Days on chain saw safety and Peyton Sabitino discussed football safety.

The next meeting is at 6:30 p.m. June 6 at the Mechanicstown Church. A rabbit clinic will be held.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — The New Horizons 4-H club met for a showmanship clinic May 16 at the McDaniel/McLean Farm with 10 members and five Cloverbuds attending.

The club decided to donate $15 to the buyers’ dinner at the fair; and members signed up for Buehler’s Hot Dog Stand May 31.

The meeting consisted of a showmanship beef clinic, rabbit judging review and entry forms were reviewed.

Demonstrations were given by Bryden Adams, John McDaniel and Braiden Renicker, who also gave a safety talk about beekeeping.

The next meeting is at 10 a.m. June 21 at Baxter’s Ridge United Methodist Church and Donna Hanna’s barn. A community service day is planned.

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CHESTERVILLE, Ohio — The Highland Achievers 4-H club met May 23 at the Chesterville United Methodist Church at 7 p.m.

Recreation was led by Sammy Stifler as he led Heads Up, 4-H Up.

President Nichole Clark called the meeting to order. J.J. Andrews and Brandon Mayer led the pledges.

Introduction was made for new members: Jacob, Eddie and Randy Norwich and their parents.

As part of the health officer’s program, roll call was answered by each member’s favorite vegetable (carrot was the most popular answer).

Secretary and treasurer’s reports were given and approved. Old business was discussed about weigh-in dates (market sheep, market goats and feeder calves) June 7 from 8 to 11 a.m., hog weigh-in June 14 from 8 to 11 a.m.

Breeding rabbits will be tattooed June 7. All these events will take place at the fairgrounds. 4-H camp is just around the corner so sign up.

King and queen nominations were made for this year’s fair. A committee was formed to explore field trip ideas.

Valerie Tolle is a member of the 4-H fashion board.

Senior fair books are available at the fair and extension offices.

A demonstration was given by Nick Snyder using his “culinary art” for desserts. His finished product then became part of the snack. The rest of refreshments were provided by the Andrews, Ratliff and Stifler families.

The next meeting is June 6 at the church at 7 p.m. Clayton Tolle, Hannah Baker and J.J. Andrews will give demonstrations/safety talks at the next meeting.

Refreshments will be provided by the Tolles, Andrews and Mayers.

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BOWERSTON, Ohio — The Silver Spurs met May 17 at the Bowerston Library with 13 members present.

The club’s community service project was canceled but will be rescheduled for some time in June. The club will help clean up, paint and plant flowers.

The club’s shirts will be ready by the end of the May. Members also participated in a bake sale May 31 at Agland in New Philadelphia.

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LISBON, Ohio — Ohio State University Extension of Columbiana County will be hosting 4-H Camp June 8-13 at Camp Whitewood in Windsor, Ohio.

Any child aged 8-14 is eligible. The cost is $175 per child and applications may be picked up at the Columbiana County Extension Office, 7876B Lincole Place, Lisbon, Ohio, or they can be printed off the Web page at www.columbiana.osu.edu. Click on 4-H Youth Development and then click on county activities, then Camp Whitewood.

For younger children, Columbiana County Extension will be hosting a three-day “day camp” from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. June 24-26. All children 6-12 are eligible. The cost is $60 for the first child and reduced rates for additional children in the same family.

Applications are also on the Web page at www.columbiana.osu.edu; click on 4-H Youth Development, county activities, then Day Camp.

Applications and more information is available from the Extension office or call 330-424-7291 during office hours, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Thursday.

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LORAIN, Ohio — The Pitchfork Pals 4-H club met May 18 at Henrietta Township Hall.
Members participated in the Kipton Memorial Day parade May 25.

The club’s last quality assurance meeting was held May 22 at the New Russia Township hall.
June 28, the club will be hosting a bake sale at Wal-Mart and is encouraging many to help out.

The next meeting will be held June 22 at the Knoble residence.

The theme for the fair this year is “Got Fair.” Pictures were taken of each member to be displayed in the home economics booth.

The Blessing House is in need of bath towels, wash clothes, twin sheet sets and pillow cases; members are asked to bring donations to the next meeting.

At the end of the meeting, members planted flowers in front of Henrietta Township Hall.

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NEWBURY, Ohio — The Geauga Beef and Swine 4-H Club met May 18.

At the April meeting, the quality assurance meeting was held. A speaker came from the Ohio State Extension office to talk about the health of animals and quality assurance.

Greg Spear, one of the swine advisers, began the swine meeting by giving a presentation. He talked about the pig tagging and ear infections of pigs. He also discussed pellet and ground feeds, feed tags, withdrawal times and antibiotics in feeds.

Spear taught the club about different types of watering for pig and how to worm the pigs. The members also learned about feed and when to start walking their pigs.

Hogs were taken to the Geauga County Fairgrounds May 17 for ear tagging. Weights were done on pigs for the “weight to gain contest.” Pictures were also taken of the hogs and the 4-H members.

Geauga Beef and Swine will be doing fundraisers this year. A car wash was planned for May 31 at Tractor Supply in Chardon.

The club will be participating in a fairgrounds clean-up June 7.

Elections were held and Liz Kinkoph was elected as the new vice president of the club.

Awards were given to R. J. Jefferson, Caitlin Jefferson and Nancy Wetzel because of the great job they did in the Little Caesar’s fundraiser.

At the beef meeting, Kim Poff passed out beef reports and set up a showmanship and fitting clinic for the members. She also helped the 4-H-members with their record books.

The Skillathon will be held at the Geauga Fairgrounds July 26.

The next 4-H meeting is June 15 at the fairgrounds.

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MIDDLEFIELD, Ohio — The Auburn Dairymen met May 17.

The main focus for the meeting was the quality assurance testing required for the fair. Before the testing, the monthly club meeting was held.

Plans were discussed for the dates of the painting of the 4-H barn. The club is still looking for responses from the other dairy clubs with their availability for painting. Contact Morgan or Katherine with this information.

The quality assurance meeting was held in conjunction with the Granny’s Kids so both clubs could finish their testing before it was needed to be submitted to the fair board.

The next meeting is at 7 p.m. June 16.

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CARROLLTON, Ohio — The Hearts and Stars 4-H club met May 21 at St. Mary’s Church hall with eight members attending.

Discussion included the club’s T-shirt design, the hot dog stand and the July 26 meeting of the booth and barrel committee.

Tia Chiavan gave a safety talk on four-wheelers.

The next meeting is at 7 p.m. June 4 at St. Mary’s Church hall.

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WINTERSVILLE, Ohio — The Bareshoe Wranglers recently met at the Jefferson Fairgrounds with 22 members present.

Morgan Millhorn, Angis Porter, Nick Glenn, C.J. Glenn and Samantha Glenn gave demonstrations.

Discussion included the announcement that work meetings with animals are to start in June.
The club plans to help plant flowers at the fairgrounds for a community service project at 6 p.m. June 7.

The next meeting will be held at 6 p.m. June 18 at the fairgrounds. Members are to bring their horses.

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