Learn to can safely with experts


CANFIELD, Ohio — For those planning to preserve food at home this summer season, it’s time to review your equipment.

Canning can be a safe and economical way to “put food by” as well as a source of enjoyment and pride for many. There are some basic rules of thumb worth remembering that will help ensure a safe, quality preserved product.

When canning low acid vegetables, meat or combination of vegetables (like spaghetti sauce), a pressure canner is the only way to preserve these foods safely. High acid foods such as fruits, pickles, salsa, jams and jellies can be safely processed using a boiling water bath canner.

Raising the acid

It is also recommended that the acidity level of low-acid foods such as tomatoes be raised by adding an acid to the product. This can be accomplished by adding lemon juice or citric acid to the jars.

Learn how to safely home preserve food using a water bath canner. This class is geared to teach those who are new to home canning, the basics and provide a refresher to experienced home canners. Participants can also have their pressure canners tested for safety and dial gauge pressure canners tested for accuracy before the programs.

The programs will be held July 26, Canning Tomatoes & Salsa; and Aug. 16, Dehydrating Foods. Programs are from 1-2:30 p.m.

Classes are free and open to the public. They are located at 490 S. Broad St., Canfield. Drop off or mail registration to OSU Extension, Mahoning County, 490 S. Broad St. Canfield, OH 44406 or call 330-533-553.