Ohio youth hunters check 10,449 deer

Hunters age 17 and younger checked 10,449 white-tailed deer during the state’s youth gun hunting season on Saturday and Sunday, Nov. 16-17. (ODNR photo)

COLUMBUS — Hunters ages 17 and younger checked 10,449 white-tailed deer during Ohio’s youth gun hunting season Nov. 16-17, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources Division of Wildlife.

The top 10 counties for deer taken during Ohio’s 2024 youth season include Tuscarawas (354), Knox (314), Coshocton (303), Guernsey (291), Muskingum (284), Holmes (268), Licking (253), Washington (227), Harrison (223) and Carroll (218).

Youth hunters checked 6,042 antlered and 4,407 antlerless deer during the weekend. In 2023, hunters harvested 10,033 deer during the two-day youth gun season. The three-year average from 2021 to 2023 is 9,061 deer.

The Division of Wildlife has issued 42,209 youth deer permits through Nov. 17. Youth permits are valid for all remaining Ohio deer hunting seasons through Feb. 2.

Ohio’s youth hunting opportunities are available to anyone who is 17 years old or younger during the season dates. Youth hunting seasons are also available for small game, wild turkey and waterfowl. Anyone interested in learning to hunt or becoming a mentor to a new hunter can visit Wild Ohio Harvest at ohiodnr.gov/discover-and-learn/education-training/wild-ohio-harvest-community for information on how to get started, hunting-related workshops and special hunting opportunities for mentors and new hunters.

Visit ohiodnr.gov/buy-and-apply/hunting-fishing-boating/hunting-resources for more information.