Tag: Hunting and Fishing News
Knox County poaching case ends with guilty plea
Christopher M. Waters, 44, of Loris, South Carolina, recently pleaded guilty in Mount Vernon Municipal Court to 12 deer and wild turkey hunting violations.
At all costs
Jim Abrams ponders whether the hype associated with bagging the trophy is having an unintended impact on hunting and angling.
I bid you ‘tight chains’
The hobby of fur trapping is alive and well in Ohio. Jim Abrams highlights Tight Chains Company, owned by Lydia and Eddie Reichenbacher.
Looking for Brer rabbit
Jim Abrams offers a look into the Ohio rabbit hunting season, and shares his insights on the sport.
ODNR releases weekend gun hunting deer harvest numbers
Ohio hunters harvested 17,373 white-tailed deer from Dec. 21-22 during the state’s additional weekend of deer gun hunting.
Fields of dreams and deer
Jim Abrams gives an overview of Ohio's deer population and offers insight to hunters looking to better manage trends and promote healthier numbers.
Ohio releases weeklong deer gun season results
Ohio hunters checked 87,192 white-tailed deer during the weeklong gun season that concluded Dec. 8.
Lake Erie fish survey finds walleye hatches down
The annual Lake Erie fish surveys revealed that walleye hatches were below average and yellow perch hatches were above average in two of the three zones.
Poacher sentenced for unlawful taking of trophy buck
Christopher Alexander will serve jail time for his leading role in a case of deer poaching involving the unlawful harvesting of an 18-point deer.
Ohio hunters can donate venison to food banks
The ODNR Division of Wildlife is partnering with Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry to support local food banks with donated venison.