Stark County fair sale results 2018

Morgan Campbell sold the grand champion dairy cheese for $6,000 to Paris and Washington Insurance, and Wallace Farms Feed & Drive-Thru.
Morgan Campbell sold the grand champion dairy cheese for $6,000 to Paris and Washington Insurance, and Wallace Farms Feed & Drive-Thru.

Reported by Catie Noyes and Chris Kick

(Steer, hog, lamb and goat sales added. The reserve champion goat cheese basket caption has been corrected, to list A & K Livestock as one of the buyers.)

Total lots: 759
Sale total: $826,422.58

Number of Market Lots: 13
Average: $1,846.15

Grand champion: Morgan Campbell
Bid: $6,000
Buyer: Paris & Washington Insurance, Wallace Farms Feed & Drive-Thru
Reserve champion: Jaclyn Kiko
Bid: $5,500
Buyer: Paris & Washington Insurance, Wallace Farms Feed & Drive-Thru

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Stark County Champion Carcass Steer

The Stark County Fair grand champion carcass steer, weighing 1,081 pounds, was shown by Alissa Lingenhoel and purchased by J Kevin Miller Plumbing, Kevin Miller Plumbing, Star Mills, D.N.K.N. Cattle and Motts Greenhouse/Old Mill Bulk Foods for $5 a pound.
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Stark County Champion Carcass Steer

The Stark County Fair grand champion carcass steer, weighing 1,081 pounds, was shown by Alissa Lingenhoel and purchased by J Kevin Miller Plumbing, Kevin Miller Plumbing, Star Mills, D.N.K.N. Cattle and Motts Greenhouse/Old Mill Bulk Foods for $5 a pound.
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Stark County Champion Carcass Hog

The Stark County Fair grand champion carcass hog, weighing 237 pounds, was shown by Katlynn Kiko and purchased by Hunter Palmer of Paris and Washington Insurance, Reggie Stoltzfus for State Representative, Ron Kiko of Kiko Meats, Eric and Laura Beavington, George and Becky Kiko, Umbarger Feeds and the Stark County Fairboard for $11 a pound.
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Stark County Champion Carcass

The Stark County Fair grand champion carcass lamb, weighing 114 pounds, was shown by Hailey Chenevey and purchased by Andy Ginella of Ginella Law Firm and Garrett Kloots of Papa Bears Italian Restaurant, for $15.50 a pound.
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Stark County Born and Raised Lamb

The Stark County Fair grand champion born and raised lamb, weighing 110 pounds, was shown by Mitchell Shannon and purchased by Ron Marhofer Auto Family and S&S Excavating, for $15 a pound.
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Stark County Born and Bred Steer

The Stark County Fair champion born and raised steer, weighing 1,310 pounds, was shown by Cora Miller and purchased by Brewster Cheese, represented by Mike Walpole, for $3 a pound.
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Stark County Champion Dairy Goat

The Stark County Fair grand champion dairy goat, weighing 73 pounds, was shown by Cayla Raber and purchased by Sarchione Chevy and Still Water Farms for $8 a pound.
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Stark reserve cheese

Jaclyn Kiko sold the reserve champion dairy cheese for $5,500 to Paris and Washington Insurance, Wallace Farms Feed & Drive-Thru, and Campbell Bros.
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Stark reserve fryer

Larry Mackey sold his reserve champion rabbit fryer for $400 to Bill Roberts.
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Stark County Reserve Carcass Steer

The Stark County Fair reserve champion carcass steer, weighing 1,296 pounds, was shown by Megan Courtney and purchased by Hunter Palmer of Paris and Washington Insurance for $2.50 a pound.
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Stark County Reserve Carcass

The Stark County Fair reserve champion carcass lamb, weighing 114 pounds, was shown by Kelsey Bibey and purchased by Reggie Stoltzfus for State Representative and Dustin Walder of Pole Barns Direct, for $11 a pound.
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Stark County Champion Steer

The Stark County Fair grand champion market steer, weighing 1,378 pounds, was shown by Shayla Sancic and purchased by Sarchione Chevrolet, represented by Cory and Jill Smith, and Hunter Palmer of Paris and Washington Insurance for a new record of $25 a pound.
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Stark reserve chickens

Will Tabellion sold his reserve champion pen of meat chickens for $850 to Thomas & Associates PPS; Daniel and Shelley Johnson; Jason Pugh, Atty-Bixler & Moore; and George and Becky Kiko.
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Stark County Reserve Lamb

The Stark County Fair reserve champion market lamb, weighing 128 pounds, was shown by Abbie Greer and purchased by Ron and Diane Kiko of Kiko Meats for $7.50 a pound.
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Stark County Reserve Production Goat

The Stark County Fair reserve champion production goat was shown by Abby Smith and the cheese basket was purchased by Farmhouse Goat Soap, Ivy Rose Dairy, A & K Livestock, and Top Secret Cattle Company for $475 a pound.
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Stark grand turkey

Nick Johnson sold his 51.1-pound grand champion turkey for $1,000 to Judge David Nist (left), Alan Harold/Stark County Auditor, Reggie Stoltzfus for State Representative, Judge Rosemarie A. Hall, and Judge Kristin Farmer (unpictured).
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Stark County Reserve Goat

The Stark County Fair reserve champion market goat, weighing 82 pounds, was shown by Katie Heppe and purchased by Dale and Debbi Wells of Wells Family Farm for $8.50 a pound.
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Stark scholarships

Stark County dairy scholarships, for $1,000 each, were presented to Nicole Cook (left), Daniel Wolfe and Sydney Daniel. The scholarship program was supported this year by Jim and Sue Kiko.
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Stark County Champion Goat

The Stark County Fair grand champion market goat, weighing 73 pounds, was shown by Andrew Heppe and purchased by Brad and Nancy Polen of Polen Meats, for $9 a pound.
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Stark County Reserve Dairy Goat

The Stark County Fair reserve champion dairy goat, weighing 80 pounds, was shown by Marli Wallace and purchased by Andy Pennell and Dr. Trish Pugh of Red Star Veterinary Clinic LLC for $3 a pound.
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Stark County Reserve Born and Bred Steer

The Stark County Fair reserve champion born and raised steer, weighing 1,228 pounds, was shown by JT Popick and purchased by Dr. Thomas Krupko for $2 a pound.
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Stark County Reserve Born and Raised Lamb

The Stark County Fair reserve champion born and raised lamb, weighing 134 pounds, was shown by Carter Varner and purchased by Navarre Animal Clinic, Still Water Farm, Umbarger Feeds and Discount Drug Mart, for $14 a pound.
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Stark grand rabbit

Christian Pernell sold his grand champion pen of meat rabbits for $400 to Chase Snyder, of Snyder Show Cattle.
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Stark grand fryer

Grayson Hilderbrandt sold his grand champion rabbit fryer for $600 to Earline Hermann.
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Stark grand dairy beef carcass

Klara Pero sold her 1,431-pound grand champion dairy carcass steer for $1.35 a pound to Hunter Palmer, of Paris & Washington Insurance.
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Stark reserve turkey

Anthony Johnson sold his 49.35-pound reserve champion turkey for $700 to John Tabellion (left); Attorney Jason Pugh for Bixler & Moore; and George and Becky Kiko.
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Stark County Champion Production Goat

The Stark County Fair grand champion production goat was shown by Ashanti West and the cheese basket was purchased by Top Secret Cattle Company for $250 a pound.
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Stark grand chickens

Sullivan Kennedy sold his grand champion pen of meat chickens for $800 to the Hartville Kitchen, represented by Caleb Shelly (left), Luke and Sawyer Sommers.
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Stark judging teams

The Hamilton Insurance Agency bid $2,250 in support of the Stark County dairy judging teams.
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Stark County Champion Hog

The Stark County Fair grand champion market hog, weighing 276 pounds, was shown by Shelby Lewis and purchased by Sarchione Ford, represented by Hank, Dina and Paige Lewis, for $26 a pound.
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Stark grand dairy steer

Maddie Bishop sold her 1,524-pound grand champion dairy steer for $2.50 a pound to Paris & Washington Insurance. From left to right is fair king Kalob Wilson, Hunter Palmer, dairy princess Lindsay L’Amoreaux, and dairy sweetheart Kora Pero.
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Stark County Reserve Hog

The Stark County Fair reserve champion market hog, weighing 240 pounds, was shown by Makenah Rohr and purchased by Brewster Cheese, represented by Mike Walpole, for $20 a pound.
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Stark grand cheese

Morgan Campbell sold the grand champion dairy cheese for $6,000 to Paris and Washington Insurance, and Wallace Farms Feed & Drive-Thru.
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Stark County Reserve Steer

The Stark County Fair reserve champion market steer, weighing 1,255 pounds, was shown by Shayla Sancic and purchased by Wooster Building LLC, Deloris Chaney, Renee Booher and Bairs Lawn and Garden for $14 a pound.
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Stark reserve dairy steer

Victoria Bennage sold her 1,464-pound reserve champion dairy steer for $2 a pound to Paris & Washington Insurance. From left to right is Hunter Palmer, dairy princess Lindsay L’Amoreaux, and dairy sweetheart Kora Pero.
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Stark reserve dairy feeder

Josh Landes sold his 619-pound reserve champion dairy feeder for $2.75 a pound to Larry Krystowski, of Krystowski Tractor Sales.
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Stark grand dairy feeder

Ashley Wentling sold her 638-pound grand champion dairy feeder for $3.75 a pound to Bill Hensel, of New York Life Insurance.
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Stark reserve dairy beef carcass

Carter Varner sold his 1,276-pound reserve champion dairy carcass steer for $1.60 a pound to Hunter Palmer, of K Palmer Insurance.
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Stark County Champion Lamb

The Stark County Fair grand champion market lamb, weighing 138 pounds, was shown by Talethea Hodapp and purchased by Hunter Palmer of Paris and Washington Insurance,Sarchione Chevy represented by Cory Smith and Mandy Sancic of Olde Wood Ltd., for $20 a pound.
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Stark County Reserve Carcass Hog

The Stark County Fair reserve champion carcass hog, weighing 240 pounds, was shown by Nicolette Finnell and purchased by Hunter Palmer of Paris and Washington Insurance, Paul Wallace of Wallace Farms Feed Drive Thru and McQuilkin Lumber Company for $11 a pound.
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Stark reserve rabbit

Larry Mackey sold his reserve champion pen of meat rabbits for $500 to Snyder Show Cattle, Judge Rosemarie A. Hall (right), Matthews for Judge (center), and Judge David Nist (left).

Number of Market Lots: 132
Average: $1.91/pound

Grand champion: Ashley Wentling
Bid: $3.75pound Weight: 638 pounds
Buyer: New York Life Insurance
Reserve champion: Josh Landes
Bid: $2.75/pound Weight: 619 pounds
Buyer: Krystowski Tractor Sales

Number of Market Lots: 19
Average: $2.00/pound
Grand champion: Maddie Bishop
Bid: $2.50/pound Weight: 1,524 pounds
Buyer: Paris & Washington Insurance
Reserve champion: Victoria Bennage
Bid: $2/pound Weight: 1,464 pounds
Buyer: Paris & Washington Insurance

Grand champion carcass: Klara Pero
Bid: $1.35/pound Weight: 1,431 pounds
Buyer: Paris & Washington Insurance
Reserve champion carcass: Carter Varner
Bid: $1.60/pound Weight: 1,276 pounds
Buyer: K Palmer Insurance

Number of lots: 105
Number of lots: 105
Average: $339.05

Grand champion exhibitor: Sullivan Kennedy
Bid: $800
Buyer: Hartville Kitchen
Reserve champion exhibitor: Will Tabellion
Bid: $850
Buyer: Thomas & Associates PPS; Daniel and Shelley Johnson; Jason Pugh, Atty-Bixler & Moore Co.; and George and Becky Kiko

Number of lots: 54
Number of lots: 54
Average: $400.93

Grand champion turkey: Nick Johnson
Bid: $1,000 Weight: 51.10 pounds
Buyer: Judge David Nist, Alan Harold/Stark County Auditor, Reggie Stoltzfus for State Representative, Judge Rosemarie A. Hall, and Judge Kristin Farmer
Reserve champion turkey: Anthony Johnson
Bid: $700 Weight: 49.35 pounds
Buyer: John Tabellion; Jason Pugh, Attorneys Bixler & Moore Co.; and George and Becky Kiko

Number of Meat Pens of Three: 12
Average: $247.92

Grand champion meat pen: Christian Pernell
Bid: $400
Buyer: Snyder Show Cattle
Reserve champion meat pen: Larry Mackey
Bid: $500
Buyer: Judge David Nist, Matthews for Judge, Judge Rosemarie A. Hall, and Snyder Show Cattle

Number of Lots: 9
Average: $227.78

Grand champion fryer: Grayson Hilderbrandt
Bid: $600
Buyer: Earline Hermann
Reserve champion fryer: Larry Mackey
Bid: $400
Buyer: Bill Roberts


Number of Market Lots: 77
Average: $2.95/pound

Grand champion exhibitor: Shayla Sancic
Bid: $25/pound Weight: 1,378 pounds
Buyer: Sarchione Chevy of Randolph and Paris and Washington Insurance
Reserve champion exhibitor: Shayla Sancic
Bid: $14/pound      Weight: 1,255 pounds
Buyer: Wooster Buildings LLC, Deloris Cheyney, Renee Booher and Bair’s Lawn and Garden
Grand champion carcass: Alissa Lingenhoel
Bid: $5/pound              Weight: 1,081 pounds
Buyer: J Kevin Miller Plumbing, Kevin Miller Plumbing, Star Mills, D.N.K.N. Cattle and Motts Greenhouse/Old Mill Bulk Foods
Reserve champion carcass: Megan Courtney
Bid: $2.50/pound              Weight: 1,296 pounds
Buyer: Paris and Washington Insurance
Champion born and raised: Cora Miller
Bid: $3/pound    Weight: 1,310 pounds
Buyer: Brewster Cheese Co.
Reserve champion born and raised: JT Popick
Bid: $2/pound    Weight: 1,228 pounds
Buyer: Dr. Thomas Krupko


Number of Market Lots: 186
Average: $3.72/pound

Grand champion exhibitor: Shelby Lewis
Bid: $26/pound      Weight: 276 pounds
Buyer: Sarchione Ford
Reserve champion exhibitor: Makenah Rohr
Bid: $20/pound              Weight: 240 pounds
Buyer: Brewster Cheese
Grand champion carcass: Makenah Rohr
Bid: $11/pound              Weight: 237 pounds
Buyer: Paris and Washington Insurance, Reggie Stoltzfus for State Representative, Kiko Meats, Eric and Laura Beavington, George and Becky Kiko, Umbarger Feeds and the Stark County Fairboard
Reserve champion carcass: Nicolette Finnell
Bid: $11/pound              Weight: 240 pounds
Buyer: Paris and Washington Insurance, Wallace Farms Feed Drive Thru and McQuilken Lumber Company


Number of Market Lots: 10
Average per project: $135

Grand champion exhibitor: Micah Allen
Bid: $250
Buyer: Northeast Professional Home Care
Reserve champion exhibitor: Slater Mack
Bid: $150
Buyer: Wells Family Farm


Number of Market Lots: 79
Average: $4.65/pound

Grand champion exhibitor: Talethea Hodapp
Bid: $20/pound              Weight: 138 pounds
Buyer: Paris and Washington Insurance,Sarchione Chevy and Olde Wood Ltd.
Reserve champion exhibitor: Abbie Greer
Bid: $7.50/pound              Weight: 128 pounds
Buyer: Kiko Meats
Grand champion county lamb: Mitchell Shannon
Bid: $15/pound              Weight: 110 pounds
Buyer: Ron Marhofer Auto Family and S&S Excavating
Reserve champion county lamb: Carter Varner
Bid: $14/pound              Weight: 134 pounds
Buyer: Navarre Animal Clinic, Still Water Farm, Umbarger Feeds and Discount Drug Mart
Grand champion carcass: Hailey Chenevey
Bid: $15.50/pound              Weight: 114 pounds
Buyer: Andy Ginella Attorney and Papa Bears Italian Restaurant
Reserve champion carcass: Kelsey Bibey
Bid: $11/pound              Weight: 114 pounds
Buyer: Reggie Stoltzfus for State Representative and Pole Barns Direct


Number of Market Lots: 63
Average: $7/pound

Grand champion market goat: Andrew Heppe
Bid: $9/pound              Weight: 73 pounds
Buyer: Polen Meats
Reserve champion market goat: Katie Heppe
Bid: $8.50/pound              Weight: 82 pounds
Buyer: Wells Family Farm
Grand champion dairy market goat: Cayla Raber
Bid: $8/pound    Weight: 68 pounds
Buyer: Sarchione Chevy and Still Water Farms
Reserve champion dairy goat: Marli Wallace
Bid: $3/pound    Weight: 80 pounds
Buyer: Red Star Veterinary Clinic LLC

Auctioneers: Kiko Auctioneers
Junior fair royalty: Kalob Wilson, fair king and Abbie Greer, fair queen

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