Top conservation farmers honored at FSR

fsr awards
Five families were honored with 2024 Conservation Farm Family Awards at the Farm Science Review, including the Weller Family, Putnam County; Workman Family, Ashland County; Hodge Family, Muskingum County; Mehl Family, Butler County, and the Jepsen Family, Fairfield County. (Submitted photo)

REYNOLDSBURG, Ohio — The Ohio Department of Agriculture recently recognized five families as winners of the 2024 Conservation Farm Family Awards at the Farm Science Review on Sept. 19, in London, Ohio. The winners were the Weller Family, Workman Family, Hodge Family, Mehl Family and the Jepsen Family.

The Conservation Farm Family Awards program was created in 1984 to recognize Ohio farm families for their efforts in conserving soil, water, woodland, wildlife and other natural resource on the land they farm. These farm families also often host a variety of educational programs, from schools and scout groups to farm organizations.

The families receive $400 from the Ohio Farm Bureau Federation and appear in the September issue of Ohio Farmer magazine, which sponsors the Ohio Conservation Farm Family Awards.

Weller Farms

The area 1 winners are Arden and Kay Weller from Putnam County, Ohio. Weller Farms grows and harvests 400 acres of soybeans, wheat and alfalfa. Additionally, the Weller family manages 88 acres of forest and practices conservation through 100 acres of cover crops, 250 acres of crop rotation, waterways, 8.5 acres of filter strips, 45 acres of wetland restoration and development, 250 acres under a nutrient management plan, wildlife habitat, drainage water management, 250 acres of conservation tillage, 88 acres under forestry management and four large wetlands. Weller Farms also has 1,415 feet of two-stage ditch that is on display to other farmers for field days. Before his death, Arden was often described as “a true steward of the land.”

Twin Oak Farms

The area 2 winners are Fred and Jason Workman from Ashland County, Ohio. Twin Oak Farms grows and harvests 475 acres of corn, soybeans and hay as well as runs a 120-head beef cow operation and a 150-head background/replacement calf operation. Conservation activities on the farm consist of 200 acres of cover crops, 300 acres utilizing crop rotation, waterways, filter strips, 10 acres of livestock exclusion fencing, 345 acres under a nutrient management plan, a grazing management plan, 100 acres undergoing rotational grazing, 2 acres of pollinator habitat, drainage water management, conservation tillage and erosion control by natural spring development and stabilization of roads in heavy use.

Windy Ridge Jerseys

The area 3 winners are J and Rachel Hodge from Muskingum County, Ohio. Windy Ridge Jerseys farms 243 acres of corn, alfalfa, grass hay, triticale/rye and pasture. Additionally, the Hodge’s run a 140-head milk cow operation and oversee 160 heifers. They also manage 60 acres of forest/woodland and practice conservation activities like 35 acres of cover crops, 100 acres of crop rotation, 70 acres of filter strips, a nutrient management plan, 18 acres under rotational grazing, concrete liquid manure storage, a new milking facility and use a more sustainable cow breed, Jersey cattle.

Alan and Rachel Mehl

The area 4 winners are Alan and Rachel Mehl from Butler County, Ohio. The Mehls farm 125 acres of soybeans and 15 acres of forest. Their conservation practices include 125 acres of cover crops, nearly 4 acres of waterways, 27 acres of wildlife habitat, 125 acres of conservation tillage, a conservation plan, no-till and subsurface drainage. Alan also recently received the Outstanding Cooperator Award.

Jepsen Family Farms

The area 5 winners are Jim and Dee Jepsen from Fairfield County, Ohio. Jepsen Family Farms grows and harvests 1,645 acres of corn, soybeans, wheat and hay. They also run a 50-head beef cattle operation and practice conservation through 721 acres of cover crops, 1,555 acres of crop rotation, 27 waterways (16 of which are enrolled in the Conservation Reserve Program), filter strips, nutrient management plans, grazing management plans and rotational grazing. Additionally, Jepsen Farms consists of 1,555 acres of conservation tillage, six water and sediment control basins, one systematic tile, heavy-use area protection, three grade stabilization structures and two livestock pipelines.

Every year, nominations for the 2024 Conservation Farm Family Awards are accepted between January and May. For more information or to apply, contact your local soil and water conservation district.

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