Hill’s Supply continues to install milking equipment


business profile CANAL FULTON, Ohio –Hill’s Supply continues to excel in the area of dairy parlor and dairy equipment installations.

The company completed the first two DeLaval VMS robotic milking system installations in Ohio and also installed several new parlors, including 12-cow units and one 36-cow parallel parlor.

Most recently, the company has added German-made Kraiburg rubber matting and Bauer manure separation equipment.

Advanced equipment

Hill’s Supply is currently installing its first M-TECH power dipper-brush prep system, which is designed to do a rapid, thorough milk stimulation-prep procedure in all types of milking parlors.

“Manure separation is a new and exciting area that we are diving into,” says Hill’s.

The company is well-rooted in Northeast Ohio and across the state, with 34 years of family-owned experience.

They employ roughly 50 people and are in the process of getting several more of the staff trained for service and installation of DeLaval VMS robotic milkers.

“Our employees are our backbone and secret to success,” Hill’s says. “We look forward to serving our dairymen for years to come.”

Hill’s Supply is located at 2366 Locus St. Canal Fulton, OH 44614. They can be reached at 330-854-5720, or email them at hills@hillssupply.com.