Sunday, May 5, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "birding"

Tag: birding

Julie Geiss enjoys the cardinals near her home and shares some facts about their nesting, mating and molting habits.

As Judith Sutherland took down her bird feeders, she hoped answers to explain the strange disease affecting songbirds would come sooner rather than later.

There have been reports of sick or dying birds found around Ohio and in nearby states. Find out how to recognize the symptoms and report incidences.

A mysterious disease is affecting songbirds in Pennsylvania. Residents should be on the lookout for dead and dying songbirds exhibiting strange symptoms.

Former strip mine lands owned by the state of Ohio provide opportunities for hunting, fishing, hiking, birding and camping. Discover where to plan a trip.

Learn how to help declining bird populations and attract more birds to your backyard by choosing the right plants to provide an ideal habitat for them.

Julie Giess recounts a recent run-in with a killdeer and reflects on what a great time of year it is for birdwatchers.

When a baby bird has fallen it's important to determine when to help and how to properly return it to its nest to give it its best chance for survival.

Suet is a favorite winter offering that’s accepted by more than 80 species of North American birds. Learn how to prepare it for the birds at your feeder.

A group of birdwatchers made a little local history, doing the Christmas bird count in a circle based in Canton for the first time in 70 years.