Sunday, September 8, 2024
Tags Posts tagged with "calving"

Tag: calving

One measure of profitability is net income per cow, with competitive farms above $1,300 per cow. Learn how to improve reproductive efficiency on your farm.

While the weather has been strange and challenging this winter, it hasn't presented the challenges farmers faced during a particularly cold winter in 2004.

Having a plan in place can help you avoid weaning pitfalls and, ultimately, failure during this critical time frame.

Is it cheaper to raise calves using automated or individual feeding? Find out which management practices can cut the costs of raising replacement heifers.

Feeding management during the dry period and with fresh cows is fundamental in reducing the risk of metabolic diseases after calving.

Some studies comparing summer to winter calf growth show calves grow better in the winter. Learn how to keep your calves cool and eating in the summer.

Determining the optimum time to artificially inseminate your herd can reduce your calving intervals and decrease your semen expense.

Learn more about best practices to help calves regulate their temperature and conserve their energy while taking care to prevent disease.

Having a plan and preparing ahead of time for the calving season can help to minimize calf loss.

Helping get 4-H calves off to a healthy start begins at the dairy. Work with the youth that buy your calves to help them and their calf thrive.