Sunday, February 16, 2025
Tags Posts tagged with "swine flu"

Tag: swine flu

Several swine exhibiting respiratory symptoms and fever at the Jackson County Fair in West Virginia returned presumptive positive results for influenza.

African swine fever now has claimed its seventh Asian country, Myanmar, which is west of most previous known cases.

Knowing exactly how long certain feed ingredients have been securely stored before allowing their use on pig farms can reduce disease transmission risk.

It’s important for fair organizers, visitors and pork exhibitors to have a comprehensive plan in place to reduce the risk of swine flu transmission.

Some Ohio fair pigs tested positive for a strain of flu virus, prompting a reminder to practice good hygiene at fairs.

LONDON, Ohio -- Hollywood likes to promote the myth that humans are always the "victims" when it comes to diseases transmitted between animals and...

The death of a 61-year-old female Madison County, Ohio, resident is being linked to the H3N2v 'swine flu' virus.

WOOSTER, Ohio -- Better education regarding the nature of influenza viruses and how to prevent infection, along with stepped up efforts to keep sick...

COLUMBUS -- The number of cases of human influenza related to swine in Ohio grew to 30 on Aug. 8, following an announcement from...

Increased monitoring following positive test results for variant influenza at the Ohio State Fair.