Here’s What’s Cooking in Brenda Baker’s Kitchen


All month long, Farm and Dairy is gathering Around Your Table! Each week in November, we are featuring one lucky cook who has sent in her favorite recipes for all of us to enjoy! Thank you Common Wealth Kitchen Incubator for Sponsoring our Reader’s Kitchen Contest.

This week’s winner is Brenda Baker of Maplewood, Ohio. Stay tuned each week in November as Around The Table gets comfy in all four of our winners’ kitchens!

Read more! We chatted with Brenda and learned a little bit about her family, her farm, and the goodies they sit down and eat together. Make sure to read her bio and the delicious recipes she sent in, and stay tuned all month long as we feature three more lucky winners!

Congratulations, Brenda!

Brenda and her husband live on a dairy and grain farm, and have been married for almost 38 years. They have two sons; an agronomist and a chiropractor, and a 5 year old grandson.

“Thanks for the opportunity to share some of my favorite recipes.  I love to cook-baking is my favorite. I like to bake for my family, but I  give a lot of it away.  I collect recipes and I read cookbooks like they’re novels.”

We asked Brenda…

Do you religiously follow the recipe, or do you make it up as you go?

I don’t always follow the recipe.  I like to experiment some.  My  husband is a good sport.

How old were you when you made your first meal? Who ate it? Did they like it?

I’m not sure how old I was but I can’t say it was a meal.  My mom had to run an errand and she had put hamburger on to brown. She told me to watch it. Well, I  did what she told me.  By the time she got home the hamburger was very, very crispy!  She said, “I told you to watch the hamburger.” I said, “I did,” and she replied, “yes, I  guess you watched it burn!” Right before I got married she must have remembered this incident because she made me cook a meal.  I think she was afraid my new husband would starve to death!  If I remember, it came out well.

From whom did you learn most of your cooking skills?

I would have to say my mother-in-law.  She was a great cook.  We live on a dairy and grain farm so our guys like to eat “meat and potatoes.”  She was a good mentor to me in many ways, but especially in the kitchen.

Have you ever entered and won any baking or cooking contests? What recipe won you the prize?

I won second place in our local annual cooking contest with the Mexican Salad.  A man won first place and I was teased about that. My reply was, ‘if you had a choice between chocolate or salad, what would you choose?’

Brenda’s Recipes:

Proudly Sponsored by:
Common Wealth Kitchen Incubator of Youngstown, Ohio
Helping folks create jobs working with the food we love.

Stay tuned for a peek into our next winner’s kitchen!

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