Wednesday, May 1, 2024
donated venison

Pennsylvania deer hunters donated a total of 235,532 pounds of venison from 6,201 deer and four elk via Hunters Sharing the Harvest.
Grill loaded with burgers

Celebrating the 4th of July with a cookout will cost significantly more than two years ago, although prices have fallen slightly from record highs in 2022.
raised bed herbs

Learn a few tricks to determine if your raised bed garden is getting enough water.
rice cultivation

As the world heats up, rice farmers are facing never-before-seen problems that will require never-before-seen solutions that will take years to implement.
lentil soup

In her quest to reduce food waste at home, Kym Seabolt is channeling her grandmother, who was a genius in using leftover food to make delicious dishes.
tomatoes and basil

Companion planting is a technique gardeners use to reduce maintenance and deter pests. Learn which garden plants make ideal companions for common herbs.

Morels are the most well-known goal of spring foraging, but ramps and fiddlehead ferns offer a wonderful and sometimes new foraging opportunity.
woman stands beside chestnut milling machine at Rural Action

As a speciality crop, chestnuts are enjoying a popularity that hasn’t been seen in about 100 years and growing them is fairly straightforward. Amy Miller of Route 9 which is part of Rural Action, a membership-based nonprofit organization based in Appalachian Ohio, says, "Chestnut trees can grow on irregular, uneven slopes with acidic soil or well-drained sandy soil, which is pretty typical of the Appalachian region of the U.S."
morel mushroom

Learn how to tell the difference between morel mushrooms and several types of mushrooms with wrinkled caps that may appear in the woods during the spring.
raised bed garden

The key to building a cost-effective raised bed garden is figuring out how much space you need in advance and maximizing the use of that space.

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