Friday, May 3, 2024

Online farmers markets showcase fresh food from multiple farms within a defined geographic region, such as a single county or tri-county area.

Gatherers can find wild blackberries in Ohio’s woodlands, along the borders of farm fields, and on overgrown fencerows.

Despite the temptation to feast on mounds of fair food, you can have nutritious foods and drinks at the park that taste good and are better for your health.

Shoppers only have access to a few types of peppers at the grocery store, but hundreds are available for gardeners to grow in the home garden.

Chocolate-filled flavors dominated the top five bestselling flavors in a recent survey of ice cream makers and retailers across the United States.

There are some basic rules of thumb worth remembering that will help ensure a safe, quality preserved product.
eggs on conveyor

Since the winter of 2016, egg prices have plummeted. While that's good for shoppers, it has been tough for egg producers. One OSU Extension expert says some Ohio egg producers are 'just hanging on.'

Not only are melons juicy and nutritious, but if you pick the right ones they are sweet and delicious, as well.
Amazon screenshot

Amazon is buying Whole Foods and wants to transform the way you buy groceries. But Editor Susan Crowell's commentary ponders the impact on farmers.

If you didn’t find time to plant a garden this spring, don’t worry. Gardeners can plant vegetables in July and August for a fall harvest.

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