Sunday, May 19, 2024
Around the Table

Around the Table

radishes, lettuce and carrots

In August our regional average temperature begin to decrease, signaling that fall is on the way. Plant now to fill your cornucopia with an abundant fall harvest!
foodbank donation

An estimated 14 percent of American households were food insecure at some point during 2014. Your donations to local foodbanks are needed now more than ever.

Food safety experts consider the risk of acquiring COVID-19, the disease caused by coronavirus, through handling fresh produce extremely low.
venison storage

Pennsylvania hunters have an opportunity to make a difference in the lives of the hungry by donating deer via Hunters Sharing the Harvest this season.

One easy, budget-friendly way to save money, time, and energy on food at home is to prepare a hearty meal using a slow cooker.

If you want to work fruits and vegetables into your daily diet, there are some simple ways to supplement your diet.
little girl eating watermelon

Parents and physicians can work together to help a child make positive changes to their diet, physical activity and reaction to emotions.
multicolored rotini noodles

Isn't it ironic: last week we dove cannon-ball style into the world of gluten-free eating, and this week we're doing a complete 180° turn and eating pasta.
healthy food

The microorganisms living in your digestive tract can also influence your overall health, including your mood and susceptibility to illness and disease.
smoked apples

A few West Virginia University faculty are exploring the potential for West Virginia's apple growers to develop and market dried, smoked apple chunks.