Sunday, May 19, 2024

It's no secret that experiences define life. I've had my fair share, but I find myself continually challenged by the youth I spend time...

Dianne Shoemaker, northeast Ohio district dairy specialist with OSU Extension, adds refrigeration and pasteurization to the list of what we should be thankful for.

Ideal answer: Springing heifers ready to calve, walk into the milking herd and work. Sounds simple, but what does that really mean? Looking at a couple factors, we can start putting some numbers to "springing heifers ready to walk into the milking herd.

Hello Northeast Ohio! I cannot believe that January has come to a close already. 2013 has already been an interesting year due to the...

OSU Extension Dairy Specialist Dianne Shoemaker cautions not to let it fool you; the upcoming Ohio Dairy Conference is not another county fair, although all the talk about cows, good food and interesting people might make you think otherwise.

Dianne Shoemaker knows putting together a farm balance sheet isn't fun or pretty. Still, she recommends doing it each year.

Total cost of production per cwt., feed cost per cwt, net farm income per cow. These are important numbers for every farm as they...

Farm and dairy tax planning is more important in a bad year (or don't let those open accounts increase your taxable income).

Now that school is out, students may be looking for a summer job baling hay, milking cows, picking vegetables or assisting with many of the other daily tasks on your farm.

Happy holidays to all of our northeast Ohio and northwest Pennsylvania dairy farmers. It is hard to believe 2009 is coming to a close...